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Army.TogetherWeServed Newsletter - May, 2009 | ||
In This Issue
Your E-Mail Address on TWS Just a reminder that your e-mail address on your Profile allows you to be sent a Password Reminder in the event you encounter difficulties logging in. Please keep it up to date in the Account Details section of your left hand Profile Page. If you have posted your military e-mail address, which might change in the future, we recommend to change this to your civilian e-mail address, eg @yahoo.com, @aol.com if you have one. NOTABLE QUOTE ![]() - US Army photo ![]() ![]() IN THE SILK - A Paratrooper with a T10D parachute from 1st Battalion, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division, prepares to land at Holland Drop Zone at Fort Bragg, NC. The T-10 series of parachutes have been in service with the Army since the 1950s. - Warrior Transition Command stands up at Pentagon- Photo by SGT Stephen Decatur - Army embraces social media at conference - West Point cadets create bionic foot - Army unveils new force generation tool at conference - Blind veteran reflects on Mount Rainier climb - Wounded Warrior first to use next-generation powered legs - Fort Riley seven-year-old makes life-saving 911 call ![]() - USMA PAO photo ![]() - Ft. Stewart PAO photo Using Your Government E-mail Address on ATWS? Got an "army.mil" email address on your Army TWS profile? If so, you might want to consider a freebie, non-military address. A couple of reasons to not use your official Army email addy here at ATWS: Should you get transferred and forget to log in after your PCS, you may experience some difficulty in logging back on to our site. Or, if you get email from a long-lost buddy from Basic, BCT or AIT, you won't get a notification they're trying to contact you. Nor will you receive our monthly ATWS Newsletter -- The BAYONET. Besides, the 1st Shirt just might look sideways on you using the government PC in your shop...and we wouldn't want that. If you don't already have a commercial email account, just visit of the many free web-based email providers (Hotmail, Yahoo!, Gmail, etc.) and get one. Sign-up is relatively painless, and you'll have an alternate email address to throw-around. Just pick one that suits your needs. To change the email address on your profile, click on the EDIT button in your Personal Details section and insert your new email address there. Just remember to click SAVE below the text area when you're finished. One more email-related item: If you have a spam guard program on your email, configure it to allow messages from admin@togetherweserved.com to come through and not treat it as spam. This allows us to send you messages without any hassle. ![]() TWS Invite Cards are two-sided (sample below) and include a spot for you to print your member number and instructions for your invitees to credit you with the invitation. As a reminder, you get 6 months of free premium access for every 5 members you invite that create a profile page. There's also a new feature in the registration process as now new joining members are asked to include the member number of the person that invited them while they are registering. If you simply write your member number on the invite card, your invitees can enter your member number as they register and you'll automatically be credited for the invite. These cards are a great ice-breaker to start conversations with other Soldiers and they're the perfect tool to help Spread The Word about TWS. We've mailed out over 60,000 of these cards in the last year when considering all the TWS websites. Please drop us a note to share any success stories you've had using these cards to meet other Soldiers. If you'd like to receive a batch of these cards, please send an email to admin@army.togetherweserved.com and tell us how many you'd like to receive and where to send them. ![]() ![]() TWS is a place to honor the service history of all Soldiers who served, including those who fell in combat. So that they will not be forgotten, we have created a special facility where any TWS Member can post a Remembrance Profile for a Fallen Soldier they knew or would like to honor, and this can be accessed via the "Remember a Soldier" link on the left-hand Home Page. We have also developed an important feature which will enable TWS Members to adopt the profile of a Fallen Soldier already posted on the site. ![]()
TWS has already researched and compiled comprehensive information on all Soldiers who fell during the Vietnam War (1965-1975), and these are now installed as Fallen Profiles accessible via the left-hand Home Page link. Additionally, another 35,000 Memorial Profiles were added this month and are ready for adoption. As no one is assigned full-time to maintain these profiles, we invite TWS Members to adopt one or more Fallen Profiles as custodian and researching and adding any additional information when available. To adopt the Profile of a Fallen Soldier from the Vietnam War, please click on the Adopt a Fallen Soldier Profile link on the left-hand Home Page after you log in, or click here. - Photo by SPC Dustin Roberts ![]() Email your command/club/association reunion announcement as early as possible to: armytws.editor@gmail.com Tower Rats, Puppy Pushers, Ordies and support staff migration, July 10-11; Las Vegas, NV. For Soldiers who served at any of the special weapons sites during the Cold War era. For latest updates, visit: www.towerrat.com "D" Company 2/16, 1st Inf Div (1967-68) 19th annual reunion, July 10-12; Woodstock, IL. For details: (734) 525-0157, or e-mail: dondignan@sbcglobal.net 4th Inf Div reunion, July 20-26; St. Louis, MO. All present and former members of the 4th & their families invited. Visit www.4thinfantry.org, or email: 4idaed@swbell.net Army Otter-Caribou Association, 24th annual reunion, Aug. 26-30; Rochester, MN. For information, (940) 325-3385, or email: FTB442@aol.com "H" Company 2/11 (2/14) Armored Cavalry (1970-1974), Aug. 28-30; Louisville, KY. Contact: Sam Pettit, sam@autowrecking.com, or Rod Caesar, rcaesar@hot.rr.com Armor OCS Class 9-66 get-together, Sept. 11-13; Fort Knox, KY. Contact, Duke Widger: (704) 538-6417 or widgeriii@bellsouth.net. 529th MP Co. (1950-1965) reunion, Sept. 14-17; Las Vegas, NV. More info at: www.529thmpco.ning.com Association of Retired Military Musicians (ARMM) annual reunion, Sept. 17-20; Oklahoma City, OK. For details, visit http://armm.us 3rd Bn., 197th FA (Vietnam Vets) 40th reunion, Sept. 18-20; Somersworth, NH. For information, email vietnam3bn197fa@aol.com 320th Field Artillery Association 2009 reunion, Sept. 24-27. Contact, (608) 854-2317, or rodleone@centurytel.net 1st FA Observation Bn. Assn. (WWII/Korea), Oct. 15-18; Iowa City, IA. Contact: Ralph Mueller,(724) 348-5359, or ltcrjm@verizon.net 519th Transportation Bn. reunion, June 24-27, 2010; Colorado Springs, CO. Details at www.519transportationassociation.com, or contact Joe Wilson: jjwilson@pcisys.net NOTE: When emailing reunion information, include the FULL TITLE of the organization, reunion dates, location (city & state), and points of contact (name, phone number[s], email address or web URL). Trade Banner Links with TWS! ![]() If you operate an Army-oriented website and would like to trade links with TWS, click here for information on posting our TWS banner on your site. ![]() ![]() Special to The BAYONET WASHINGTON - We've been at war eight years and some Army family members are crying out for help through personal blogs, letters to editors and even letters to their congressional leaders. One wife wrote to the Washington Post this month that "many military families are coming apart at the seams" and "even the strongest wives are at the end of their ropes." Soldiers are enduring multiple deployments, some of which have lasted 12 to 15 months. Dwell time at home, between deployments, is not where we want it to be. Our Army families deserve thanks for their amazing and selfless sacrifices to our country. Even in peacetime, Army families make sacrifices. I want them to know how much their sacrifice, during this extended time of war, will mean to future generations of Americans. This is a time of tremendous challenge and it will not last forever. I do agree with the wife that wrote that the Army needs to adjust to focus resources where they're needed most - on mental health services and medical providers instead of new athletic facilities and bigger and better child-care facilities, although these are necessary for enhanced quality of life. Our families have asked for these athletic facilities and improved child care facilities and we have delivered on these. I also agree that it is now necessary to take the burden off the volunteer spouses in the Family Support Groups. We have depended upon volunteer spouses to provide crucial support to the other spouses in need. We must now adjust and place that burden on paid leaders and trained leaders in the medical and social services communities. If we were in the old peace-time Army, volunteer family support group leaders would suffice - but, after eight years of extended deployments, the time has come to take that burden off the volunteers. In many ways, we have started to do that. In 2007, the Army moved $100 million into Family Support Programs to help hire additional full-time staff in "Army Community Services" and also to expand childcare, respite care, and youth services, all in an effort to lift the incredible stresses off of the families. In 2008, the Army made a $1.4 billion commitment to The Army Family Covenant focused on improving the quality of life for Army Families. We are reworking future budgets to sustain this increased level of investment in our families. Although I agree we need to do much more, there are efforts ongoing, just as I just mentioned, to alleviate stress in our families' lives. Last year, the Army announced shorter deployments for Soldiers back to 12 months with a dwell time of at least one year back home. This is still not good enough, but is indeed an improvement. The Army has the goal of increasing the dwell time at home even more to two years between deployments and we will strive to reduce our deployment lengths as the operational requirements allow. Additionally, the new Post-9/11 GI Bill Benefits will be transferable to spouses and family members. It is hoped that these benefits will help take some of the financial burden off of our Families and enable them to provide a quality education for spouses, the Soldier, or for children. We are inspired that President Obama has made it a priority to convene a military family advisory board and we are looking forward to having a seat at the table. It is clear that the sacrifices and burdens and stresses of multiple deployments have drained all of our families' reserves. We urge lawmakers to help us replenish our families. We tell our Soldiers that it is a sign of strength to ask for help. We are strong enough to ask for help. Our families deserve it. (Editor's note: Toni DeLancey serves with Army G-1 and is a military wife of 15 years with four children. Her husband has deployed twice -- once to Iraq and once to Afghanistan. Her comments are based partially on personal experience and are not necessarily the official opinions of the Army or TWS.) ![]() News stories from our allied military partners ![]() British Army Public Affairs ![]() LONDON, UK - More than 300,000 of the new 24-hour multi-climate rations (MCR) will be trialled by deployed troops this summer, which sees the traditional 'biscuits brown' and pâté replaced by healthier and more suitable meals like pasta lunchtime pouches. ![]() Major John Gilbert, based in DE&S in Bristol, who has served in Afghanistan said: "The main improvement in the rations is the tremendous variety and the intelligent way in which the best of the old rations has been retained, together with the introduction of practical improvements such as the replacement of the chocolate bars which obviously melt in the heat or go rock hard in the Arctic." ![]() ![]() GREAT SITE I've connected with so many Soldiers, leaders and buddies from my past. This site is great and I feel that not only does it connect you to comrades, it is also an excellent networking tool. It is much easier to find subject matter experts in any area of the Army on this site. It's mentoring and teaching from the widest spectrum that is easily accessible. I've noticed the site gets better by time as well, definitely a plus. - SFC Tony Bragg (MP) OUTSTANDING! I was able to locate my battle buddy from basic and an old buddy from Drum that I hadn't seen or talked to in 12 years. Thank you for this forum, it's nice for those of us who are no longer serving but still have long lost buddies who are. Thanks to all of you who are still serving and Welcome Home to all combat vets. - SSG Jared Rogers (IN) FOUND MY BUDDY Thanks to (TWS Admin) Felix Cervantes III, i was able to locate my lost OIF buddy back in 2006. He was hard to find because he was no longer in the Army and got out shortly after our mutual friend, SGT Ronald Coffelt, was blown up by an IED in 2007. He was an MP in the National Guard and continues to do law enforcement even after he was wounded by a .50 cal machine gun. Felix located his parents' address and number for me, and when I contacted them they forwarded my number to my friend who called me that same day on his lunch break several states away from where I am at now. It was nice to hear his voice and know that he was still alive. This site helped out greatly. - SPC Kirsten Pryor (OD) AWESOME I really enjoy the site. I've been in touch with several of the guys. Exchanged phone numbers and all. They still get a kick out of my southern hick drawl! And they still sound just as stupid with their Yankee-speak. - SGT Rob (Jethro) Throne (MP) THANKS I have been able to reunite with numerous friends and mentors from past years. This is truly remarkable. I have even found it to be almost a sponsorship program as well. With an upcoming assignment in the near future, I have been able to meet friends who have helped me in the relocation process. I have received a vast amount of information that I was unable to get from standard online search engines. Keep up the great work! - SFC Brent Williams (MP) ![]() There is no charge to join Army TWS and remain a Free Member, however there are considerable benefits to becoming a Full Member. By upgrading to Full Membership, which is modestly priced and very simple to do, you not only have access to premium areas of the website but, in so doing, you also help support the ongoing development, maintenance and promotion of Army.Together We Served.com and keep it ad- free. Besides, how many websites do you visit that have no ads? Please invite a fellow Soldier and help more ATWS Members reconnect! If every Army TWS Member invites one or more active, reserve or retired Soldier to join ATWS, this dramatically increases the chances of Members being able to locate other Soldiers they served with. As a way of saying thank you, for every 5 (five) new Members who join from your personal invitations, we will extend your Full Membership by 6 months. Click here to invite an Soldier. ![]() Recently left the Army? Maybe you're looking for a new career, or planning on going in a different direction from your present job? Visit the Soldiers' Job Board which is on the left hand Home Page. You'll find numerous job listings. All positions, described in detail, are posted by fellow Army.TWS Members who are familiar with the credentials and experience offered by Veterans: Position Offered: IUID Functional Analyst Location: MI (Selfridge ANGB) Salary Range: TBD Position Offered: IO Planner Location: FL Salary Range: TBD Position Offered: Information Assurance Technologist Location: VA Salary Range: TBD Position Offered: Route Sales Representative Location: NY & NJ Salary Range: $42K Position Offered: A&P Mechanics Location: TN Salary Range: TBD Position Offered: Industrial Electrician Location: TN Salary Range: $60K-$80K Position Offered: Logistician Location: IN Salary Range: TBD Additionally, if your company has positions suited to Soldiers seeking employment, you are welcome to post them on the Job Board. This is a FREE service to TWS subscribers. Post a Job on TWS If you've had success with finding employees, or locating employment on the TWS Jobs Board, please let us know! This is a valuable FREE service to all TWS Members and employers and we're always interested in hearing your success stories. Please email TWS Admin with the details: admin@army.togetherweserved.com ![]() ![]() FAREWELL FLIGHT - An F-15C Eagle from the USAF's West Coast Demonstration Team is flanked by a pair of World War II-era P-51 Mustangs as part of a heritage flight at Eglin AFB, FL. This is the final demonstration show for the F-15C, completing a 26-year career that began in 1983. The Air Combat Command team has performed more than 150 times around the globe. - USAF photo by SSgt. Mike Meares DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE - President Seeks to Reform, Revive Military Commissions - GI Film Festival Puts Military in Focus - California Group Packs Church, Packages, to Recognize Military Appreciation Month - Business Leaders to Review DoD Personnel System - Biden Announces Pentagon Housing Assistance Program Expansion - Afghanistan Success Depends on Pakistan, Gates Says ![]() HAVING A CHAT - First Lady Michelle Obama sits for an interview with Pentagon Channel anchor and producer, Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Liz Murray, for Military Spouse Day at the White House. The First Lady is a strong supporter of military spouses and families. - White House photo by Samantha Appleton NAVY - VPOTUS Biden Visits USS Ronald Reagan - Summer Season Campaign Focuses on Keeping Sailors Safe - Navy Energy Conservation Program Saves $79 Million - Admiral Cites Partnership, Commitment as Keys to Piracy Crackdown - Poll Shows Most Sailors Able to Navigate Through Strained Economy - Yokosuka's Sailors, First Responders Ready to Tackle Threats - Navy Christens Newest Arleigh Burke-Class Ship 'Samuel L. Gravely' ![]() SHELLS FLY - Marine Cpl. Matthew W. Ewy shoots at a target during combat marksmanship training on the flight deck of amphibious assault ship USS Boxer. Ewy is team leader assigned to Charlie Company, 1st Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment,13th Marine Expeditionary Unit. - USMC photo by Cpl. Robert C. Medina ![]() - Photo by Gary Nichols AIR FORCE - Lackland chosen as cyber HQ for new 24th Air Force - Air Force leaders name James A. Roy as next CMSAF - Airman spots aircraft fuel leak at 35,000 feet - USAF pilots train Finns in aerial refueling ops - 'AF.mil' unveils new design - New AF club members get 3 month free membership - Ramstein Airmen support Atlantis shuttle launch, Hubble mission ![]() HONOR AND PRIDE - The Joint Service Honor Guard presents the colors during the ceremony presenting a commemorative book, "For Children of Valor," in honor of the children of the fallen Arlington National Cemetery, VA. The book was written to help children affected by loss of a close loved one, and to understand and process their grief. - DoD photo by PO1 Chad J. McNeeley, USN MARINE CORPS - Marine Corps Ready for Review’s Scrutiny, Commandant Says - TMO to DMO – still focused on distribution - ‘Crossroads of the Marine Corps’ celebrates 92 years - 1 MARDIV HQ Marines, Sailors learn basic combat life saving skills - Marines take Chicago by storm - Marine Video News clips - Field meet fosters teamwork aboard Al Asad Air Base ![]() A PROUD NEW CITIZEN - SPC Chyshann Pierre (center), from 1st Special Troops Battalion, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division at Fort Campbell, KY beams with pride during a Naturalization ceremony at the White House earlier this month. Pierre earned her US citizenship after deploying to Iraq with the famed Bastogne Brigade of the 101st Airborne Division. - US Army photo COAST GUARD - Coast Guard formally accepts National Security Cutter Bertholf - Rescue boat’s legacy of service honored by Coast Guard, guests - Flight 1549 USCG responder honored with military leadership award - Coordinated effort leads to rescue off Costa Rica - C-130 air crew popular at Big Island's Armed Forces Day ![]() - USCG photo by PO1 Rachel Polish ![]() ![]() ARMY - Soldiers NAVY - All Hands MARINE CORPS - Marines AIR FORCE - Airman COAST GUARD - Coast Guard Defenselink -- The OFFICIAL source of news and information from the Department of Defense, related agencies and all military branches. Multi-National Force - Iraq -- Official website of MNF-I Multi-National Corps - Iraq -- Official website of MNC-I International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) -- Official website for coalition forces in Afghanistan The Pentagon Channel -- 24-hour broadcasts of official military news and information for members of the US Armed Forces through select stateside cable systems, and overseas via American Forces Network (AFN). My AFN.mil -- American Forces Network (AFN) provides multi-channel, broadcast-quality radio and television services and expanded internal information products to all DoD members and their families stationed overseas, on contingency operations, and onboard Navy ships around the world. Military Homefront -- A DoD Web portal for reliable Quality of Life information designed to help troops and their families, leaders and service providers. Whether you live the military lifestyle or support those who do, you'll find what you need! myPay -- myPay allows you to manage your pay information, leave and earning statements (LES), W-2s and more...putting more information and services at your fingertips. Brought to you by the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS). TRICARE Portal -- Information you need about your TRICARE health benefits. Includes details on eligibility, plans, medical, dental and vision coverage. Also details on TRICARE operations, guidance, manuals and policy. Stars & Stripes -- The DoD-authorized UNOFFICIAL daily newspaper for US Forces overseas, printed in European, Pacific and Mideast editions. Department of Defense Educational Activity (DoDEA) -- DoDEA operates more than 218 public schools for grades K-12 in 14 districts located in seven U.S. states, Puerto Rico, Guam and 12 foreign countries to serve the children of military service members and Department of Defense civilian employees. Army & Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES) -- The military's largest retailer. A mission-essential, and the premier quality of life provider for all DoD military members, civilians, contractors and their families worldwide. Defense Commissary Agency (DeCA) -- Delivering the premier quality-of-life benefit to military members worldwide. United Service Organizations (USO) -- The USO supports U.S. troops and their families wherever they serve. Across the United States and around the world, the American military knows that the USO is there for them. Until Every One Comes Home. Space Avaliable Travel fact sheet -- Answers to the most common Space A travel questions, courtesy of the 60th Air Mobility Wing, Travis AFB, CA. ![]() ARMY - AR 670-1 AIR FORCE - AFI 36-2903 COAST GUARD - COMDTINST M1020.6E NAVY - NAVPERS 15665I MARINE CORPS - MCO P1020.34G ![]() http://army.togetherweserved.com /army/newsletter2/9/newsletter.html As Army TWS continues to grow, so does its potential to find old buddies and new friends; as well as creating a vibrant and enjoyable Army online community representing all eras, from WW2 to present-day. ![]() If you are currently serving as "boots-on-the-ground" in a combat zone in Please contact TWS Admin. ![]() Your User ID and Password will be sent to you immediately by e-mail. ![]() ![]() Story by SSG S. Patrick McCollum ARLINGTON, VA - Many health issues may arise after a Soldier redeploys from a combat zone. Some wounds are physical and spotted easily. Others, such as traumatic brain injury and post traumatic stress disorder, are not as obvious, and may take some time to develop. To help identify these problems, the Army has developed the Post Deployment Health Reassessment, or PDHRA, to evaluate Soldiers returning from a combat zone. As part of Mental Health Awareness Month, the Army National Guard is calling attention to this program as it proactively screens redeploying Guardmembers for potential health issues. "We want to look out after and safeguard every Soldier in the Army National Guard," said Maj. Anthony McGinthy, the PDHRA program manager for the Army National Guard's Surgeon's office. The program gives Soldiers a chance to identify problems three to six months after deployment. This window gives them a chance to settle into life and work, and evaluate their health over that period of time. If combat-connected health problems arise, Soldiers can report it during their PDHRA to become eligible for care. "This is a way for Soldiers to seek care that they need, whether that be behavioral, mental or physical" after deployment, said McGinthy. The program consists of three parts. First, Guardmembers see the "Battlemind II" training video, which shows common readjustment issues for veterans. Then they complete a questionnaire detailing their health. After that, they sit down with a trained healthcare provider for a one-on-one conversation. The 45-minute, one-on-one session has qualified medical professionals asking questions about contact information, deployment location and health history. Soldiers are also informed of the types of assistance for which they are eligible, which may include health care at a Veteran's Administration hospital, and an opportunity to request assistance. The health care provider will then refer the Soldier for follow-up care, treatment or evaluation if necessary. "One of the things we do during the screening is advise them of their resources and link them to further care when needed," said McGinthy. McGinthy said about 50 percent of Soldiers who complete the PDHRA receive follow-on care. This proactive approach means that even Guardmembers returning from their second or third tour will not find themselves exempt. "Every time they come back from a deployment they will be screened," said McGinthy. ![]() Please send any comments, quality improvement suggestions or story ideas to: admin@army.togetherweserved.com or armytws.editor@gmail.com. Jon Yim - Editor ![]() ![]() ![]() Stay Connected -- Keep Your E-mail Addresses Current! There are two ways in which old friends and fellow Soldiers can contact you via the Army TWS website: |
![]() ![]() WHY THIS SECTION IS CALLED "THE BIG PICTURE"... From 1942 to its closure and relocation in 1970 to the Redstone Arsenal in Alabama, the APC produced training films for Soldiers and documentaries for the public, telling the Army's story on the big and little screens. In a future edition of The BAYONET, we'll explore the former Army Pictorial Center -- the big studio that was also a small Army post that occupied several blocks in Astoria, NY; and just minutes from Manhattan. DoD's Pentagon Channel shows The Big Picture films in their "Battleground" series that airs daily at 2:30am, 7am, 3pm & 11pm (eastern). If you don't receive The Pentagon Channel from your cable or satellite provider, you can watch a live stream of the channel 24/7 at www.pentagonchannel.mil. Click on "watch live" tab in the upper right hand corner to view the streams. NOW you know where the name for this section came from... THOUGHTS ON MEMORIAL DAY 2009...
Until next time... -30-
Featured Updates ![]() Like any right page section, adding an entry could not be easier - just hit the Add button. You can also upload photos in support of your blog. However unlike most sections (though similar to SitRep entries) we also list the latest blog entries on the Home tab, which means it could not be easier to quickly see who has posted new entries since you last visited the site: ![]() Member Groups ![]() Again just click the Add button to affiliate with any of our comprehensive list of suggested groups. If you dont see what you are looking for just let us know and we will update our list. ![]() On the Home tab (What's New) where we list all member's latest photos you can now opt to see that list filtered to just Assignment, or Combat photos: ![]() Pie Charts ![]() ![]()
![]() ![]() New Discounts added this month to our new links section on the TWS Home page highlighting Free and Deeply Discounted services for Soldiers.
![]() - What was your best duty station or assignment and why? - What is the recipe for that good chow you know how to make out of an MRE? - Where's the coldest beer in Korea? - Do you have any tips about keeping healthy, or things to watch out for if you have a disease? These are just a few of the topics that are covered by the many Forums on Army TWS. Our forums provide you, the members, a variety of places to discuss with other members the many topics we have in common. Those members still on active duty would probably like to know Those who have worked as Retention NCOs or served on a selection board might want to provide a few tips for members in preparing to talk about their next assignment. If you have a disease like diabetes, what tips can you give others about the disease and things to watch out for with diabetes? Encourage a fellow Soldier to keep on top of a health problem so he stays with us for a long time. These are but a couple of topics that are available for you to offer advice, warn others about, discuss with other Soldiers...or just vent your frustrations. So pull up a foot-locker and start shooting the breeze, the forums are for YOU! ![]() ![]() PURPLE HAZE - SFC Ricardo Gutierrez runs to the next obstacle while testing for the Expert Field Medical Badge at Camp Bullis, TX. The course tests a soldier's mental and physical toughness during a real time medical evacuation. - Photo by Benjamin Faske ![]() HOME SAFE - More than 200 Soldiers from 4th Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division, came back to a homecoming ceremony earlier this month on Fort Hood's Cooper Field after a year-long tour in Iraq. ![]() SIGHTING-IN - Using his TOW missile launcher, PFC David Mitchell scans the landscape surrounding Vehicle Patrol Base Badel at the mouth of the Narang Valley in Konar Province, Afghanistan. Mitchell is assigned to 1st Battalion, 32nd Infantry Battalion. The base has closed down enemy activity in the valley and in Narang, Chowkay and Nurgal districts. - Photo by SGT Amber Robinson ![]() KEEP 'EM MOVING - SPC Janice Parisi, an intelligence analyst assigned to Apache Troop, 1st Squadron, 124th Cavalry Regiment, keeps traffic flowing through her entry control point (ECP) by giving commands from a loudspeaker. Parisi, from Fort Wayne, IN, whose husband is deployed to Afghanistan with the Army, keeps safe by constantly monitoring her lanes and checking people's badges daily. ![]() BLUES BROTHERS - "Blues Platoon" Soldiers of Company F, 3rd Assault Helicopter Battalion, 227th Aviation Regiment, 1st Air Cavalry Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, move forward shoulder-to-shoulder, with live ammo while practicing team movement drills at an Advanced Close Quarters Marksmanship course, at Camp Beuhring, Kuwait. The ACQM course sharpens Soldiers' skills before moving north to support Operation Iraqi Freedom. ![]() RE-UPPED BY SECDEF - Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates reenlists Soldiers based out of Forward Operating Base Airborne in the Wardak Province of Afghanistan. - DoD photo by MSgt. Jerry Morrison, USAF ![]() AT THE READY - Civl War reenactors pass with sabers drawn during the opening ceremonial parade at Fort Jackson's Armed Forces Day celebration. Visitors braved rain showers, high humidity and sweltering temperatures to enjoy static displays and trips back in time with living military history exhibits from the 1870 Buffalo Soldiers through current combat operations. ![]() 'THE LAST 100 YARDS' - One of the life-sized dioramas at the National Infantry Museum & Soldier Center outside of Fort Benning, GA, depicts infantry Soldiers in Operation Iraq Freedom. The Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicle used in this life-size exhibit came from the 4th Infantry Division after being damaged during combat operations in Iraq. This is one of several full-size displays along a 100-yard-long gently inclining ramp, signifying the Infantry’s role in taking the last 100 yards of any battle. The museum is slated to open to the public in June. ![]() ![]() ![]() VA Public Affairs
(The Army Store can also be found under the "Army Store" tab or on the left hand Home Page just as you log into TWS) Over 9000 Quality Items at the lowest prices, and a 30-day money-back guarantee! Here's just some of the items we carry: "I'm a new customer, and a satisfied one at that. Your service is excellent, and so are your prices - talk about time to receive items! Its service like the old days." - Cpl. (USMC) Rogers Alexandre Thank you for your support of the TWS Army Store. All Store proceeds go towards advertising the TWS website, bringing more Soldiers to the TWS Community.
Sincerely, |
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