An Invitation

to place a link to your Website on

Army.TogetherWeServed.Com (ATWS) has the potential to be one of the fastest growing private Army Community websites. Those who have joined ATWS, a website exclusive to active serving, veteran and retired US Army personnel, have the opportunity to find other brothers with whom they served, share memories and enjoy the camaraderie of other Brothers.

ATWS Preferred Links Section

One of ATWS's popular features is its easy to navigate Preferred Links Section. Army websites whose links are featured in this section have prominent exposure to a wide Army only audience through a 468 x 60 pixel color website banner, linked directly to their website, along with up to 100 words describing their site. ATWS Members viewing the Links Section can quickly and easily locate websites of interest and in one click arrive at the selected site.

Our Proposal

We would very much like to post a link to your excellent website in our Preferred Links section which will be displayed in the format displayed above under its correct category. Simply click here to send us your website URL, up to 100 words of description, the category you would like to be displayed in, and attach a jpeg file of your website banner, sized 468 x 60 pixels, if you have one.

In return we would greatly appreciate the opportunity to display our own 468 x 60 TWS banner, shown below, on your website. If a banner link is not possible, a link to " - a place for US Army personnel to reconnect with old brothers, share memories and tell their Army Story" would be appreciated.

How to place our ATWS Banner on your website

To place a ATWS Banner on your website, please copy the following piece of HTML code and insert it in your HTML page where the banner should appear.

<!-- start copy here -->
<a href="">
<img src="" alt="Army - Together We Served" border="0">
<!-- end copy here -->

We hope this may be of interest to you and if you would like further information, or would like to discuss this further, please do not hesitate to contact me at the following:

E-mail :
Yours truly

Links Manager