Lane, Sharon Ann, 1LT

 Photo In Uniform   Service Details
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Final Rank
First Lieutenant
Last Service Branch
Army Nurse Corps (Officer)
Last MOS
3448-Medical-Surgical Nurse
Last MOS Group
Primary Unit
1969-1969, 3448, 312th Evacuation Hospital
Service Years
1968 - 1969
Army Nurse Corps (Officer)
First Lieutenant

 Last Photo   Personal Details 

Home State
Year of Birth
This Military Service Page was created/owned by SP 6 Gary McJimsey to remember Lane, Sharon Ann, 1LT.

If you knew or served with this Soldier and have additional information or photos to support this Page, please leave a message for the Page Administrator(s) HERE.
Casualty Info
Home Town
Last Address
Canton, Ohio

Casualty Date
Jun 08, 1969
KIA-Killed in Action
Artillery, Rocket, Mortar
Quang Tin (Vietnam)
Vietnam War
Location of Interment
Sunset Hills Burial Park - Canton, Ohio
Wall/Plot Coordinates
23W 112

 Official Badges 

 Unofficial Badges 

 Photo Album   (More...

 Ribbon Bar

 Enlisted/Officer Basic Training
  1968, AMEDD Basic Officer Course (Fort Sam Houston, TX)
 Unit Assignments
Brooke Army Medical CenterFitzsimons Army Medical Center (FAMC)44th Medical BrigadeMedical Units
312th Evacuation Hospital
  1968-1968, 6, Brooke Army Medical Center
  1968-1969, 3449, Fitzsimons Army Medical Center (FAMC)
  1969-1969, 3448, 44th Medical Brigade
  1969-1969, 3448, 67th Medical Group
  1969-1969, 3448, 312th Evacuation Hospital
 Combat and Non-Combat Operations
  1969-1969 Vietnam War/Tet 69 Counteroffensive Campaign
 Colleges Attended 
Aultman College of Nursing & Health Sciences
  1961-1965, Aultman College of Nursing & Health Sciences
  1962-1963, Canton Ohio Business College
 Other News, Events and Photographs
  Apr 28, 2014, Other Photos
 Additional Information
Last Known Activity:

Date of Birth July 7, 1943
Single (Never Married)
Canton, Stark County, Ohio
Parents:  Married in Russell, Kentucky, July 5, 1941.
Father - John C. Lane (Deceased August 6, 1979) 442-46th Street, SW, Canton, Ohio
Mother - Mary Kathleen (Kay) Lane (Deceased) March 23, 1924 - August 14, 2015. Born in Dresden, Ohio. Died in Canton, Ohio.
Sister - Judy (Lane) Tritt 1942
Brother - Gary Lane 1944
North Industry Grade School, Canton, Ohio
Canton South High School, Canton, Ohio – September 1957 – May 31,1961
Aultman College of Nursing & Health Sciences, Canton, Ohio 1961 - 1965
Worked at Aultman Hospital, Canton, Ohio, following nursing school until May 1967
Attended Canton Business College, Canton, Ohio –Partial Year 1967-1968
Enlisted in U.S. Army Nurse Corps April 18, 1968
Army Nurse Corps Officer Training, Fort Sam Houston, Brooks Army Hospital, 4th US Army, San Antonio, Texas. May – June 14, 1968.
Commissioned 2LT on May 2, 1968.
Fitzsimons Army General Hospital, Denver, Colorado.  June 17, 1968. Promoted to 1LT
Vietnam Tour of Duty Started April 24, 1969.
Assigned to the 312th Army Evacuation Hospital, Intensive Care Ward & Vietnamese Ward, Chu Lai, RVN.  April 29, 1969.
Died due to hostile rocket fragmentations during an attack on the Army 312 Evacuation Hospital located at Chu Lai, U.S. Military Region 1, Quang Tin Province, RVN.  Multiple serious fragmentation wounds; primary wound causing death was to the neck; a piece of shrapnel had lacerated her carotid artery (1). 1LT Lane worked on Wards 4A & 4B, the Vietnamese Wards and in the Intensive Care Unit of the 312 Evacuation Hospital.  The rocket hit in a hallway area between Wards 4A and Ward 4B.
“At 0605, 8 June 1969, the 74th Medical Battalion reported a rocket hit between Wards 4a and 4b of the 312th Evacuation Hospital. The explosion killed two and wounded 27 US and Vietnamese personnel”
Age at Death 25.

(1) Hostil Fire by Philip Bigler, page 19.


"Day is done, gone the sun,
From the lakes, from the hills,
From the skies,
All is well, safely rest.
God is nigh"

Book - Hostile Fire by Philip Bigler 1996, the Life & Death of 1LT Sharon Lane

Hostile Fire, The Life & Death of First Lieutenant Sharon Lane
Philip Bigler, 1996
Vandamere Press
Bigler - National Teacher of the Year 1998


1969 June 10, 1969 Chu Lai, RVN Memorial Service Held for 1LT Sharon Lane
1969 June 11, 1969 Chu Lai, RVN Catholic Mass held in honor for 1LT Sharon Lane
1969 Services in Canton were held June 14, 1969. 1LT Sharon Ann Lane was buried in Sunset Hills Burial Park, Canton, Ohio.
1969 Fitzsimons Army Hospital: Lane Recovery Suite (Recovery Room).  Plaque & Picture of Sharon on Display.
1969 Daughters of the American Revolution named 1LT Lane Outstanding Nurse of the Year and posthumously awarded Lane the Anita Newcomb McGee Medal in 1970.
1970 The 1965 Graduating Class from Aultman's School of Nursing put a plaque, picture, and poem written by a classmate, in Morrow House (the nursing school residence hall) in her honor.
1970 The 1970 Class at Aultman School of Nursing dedicated their yearbook to her.
1970 On October 18, 1970, Faircrest Memorial Junior High School was dedicated to Sharon Lane and four other servicemen from Canton South High School who lost their lives in Vietnam; a plaque for each one was placed at the entrance to the school.
1973 May 29, 1973 (Memorial Day) a statue to Sharon was dedicated in front of Aultman Hospital by the William F. Cody Garrison #50 of the Army/Navy Union. This statue was built with funds raised in the community, and is one of the first Vietnam memorials constructed in the United States.
Aultman Hospital dedicated a statue of Lane in front of the Aultman Hospital. Names of 110 local servicemen killed in Vietnam are listed on the base of the statue.
The Sharon Lane Health Center provides a comprehensive collection of health care and consumer-health materials. Located off the Aultman Hospital main lobby, the center is staffed by health education specialists. Patients, their families, students and community members are invited to use our free educational resources.
Aultman Hospital's Sharon Lane Health Center is proud to team up with the Stark County District Library and the North Canton Public Library to offer comprehensive health information for our community. The Sharon Lane Health Center offers books, anatomical models, select medical-related Internet sites and health education specialists to help you learn about medical conditions and health topics.

1986 Aultman Hospital opened the Sharon Lane Woman’s Center in the front lobby of the hospital.
1986 May 26, the Canton Chapter 199 of the Vietnam Veterans of America officially became the 'Sharon Lane Chapter #199’.
  Roads named after Sharon Lane in Denver, Colorado and at Fort Belvoir, Virginia.
1995 On September 12, 1995, Fort Hood, Texas dedicated the Sharon Lane Volunteer Center.
2001 Fort Carson, Colorado, Evans U.S. Army Hospital dedicated the Sharon A. Lane Medical Library.
  A permanent display in her honor can be seen at the Ohio Society of Military History in Massillon, Ohio.





Bronze Star With "V" Device For Heroism
Army General Orders NUMBER 598
4 July 1969
TC 320. The following AWARD is announced posthumously.
Awarded: Bronze Star with "V" Device
Date of Action: 8 June, 1969
Theater: Republic of Vietnam
Authority: By direction of the President under the provisions of Executive Order 11046, 24 August 1962, AR 672-5-1, and USARV Reg 672-1.
Reason: For heroism in connection with military operations against a hostile force. Lieutenant Lane distinguished herself by exceptionally valorous actions during a rocket attack on the 312th Evacuation Hospital. Since her arrival at the hospital, her untiring efforts as a general duty staff nurse have made her ward a particularly outstanding one. It was through the application of rare foresight and sound principals of management that Lieutenant Lane overcame and minimized the problems inherent in providing medical support in a combat environment. As the sounds of the first incoming rockets reported throughout the hospital, Lieutenant Lane, thinking only of the welfare of her patients, rushed to her ward in an effort to protect her charges from harm. At this time the ward took a direct hit from an enemy 122mm rocket. The resultant explosion produced metal fragments that struck Lieutenant Lane, taking her life. As a result of Lieutenant Lane's courageous actions in the face of adversity, total disaster to the ward was prevented and many lives were saved. Lieutenant Lane's personal bravery and devotion to duty were in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflect great credit upon herself, her unit and the United States Army.

Asst Adjutant
Remembrance From The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund Site:
Maggie Wildenborg Quinn, RN, US Army Nurse
Sharon you are still remembered every day for your dedication and sacrifice to nursing. I was on duty that same day, and remember the terror we all had when we heard that one of our own was killed. You weren't with the 312th long but you loved the nursing duty on the Vietnamese ward. There is a memorial to you on the old Fitzsimmons Army Medical Center - your first duty station. I see it every day and think of you and 41 years ago seems to be just like yesterday when we were young nurses trying to save the world. One day we will meet again.
Thank you for your sacrifice.
January 2010
Not Long Known, But Long Remembered
Gary Del Carlo
I was the Supply Sergeant at the 312th Evacuation when Sharon was killed. Because there were a couple of medical personal in my hooch that worked on Ward 4, I had met Lt. Lane. The night before she died, I was sitting in front of my hooch when Sharon walked by on her way to work. We called to her and she came over. We were drinking beer. I asked if she wanted a beer. She said she would take half a glass. That was unusual, because mostly no one drank beer from a glass, and a "half" at that. I gave her the beer. I usually took some sort of food up to Ward 4 in the evening. That night I had a very large can of raviolis and I cooked them up and took them to Ward 4. I don't know if she ate any or not. When the rocket hit, we went to the bunker out back. Then someone said it hit Ward 4. We ran up there but...... well, there was a gaping hole where the hallway was between Ward 4A and Ward 4B. I guess I also inventoried her belongings. I went to her services. We all cried. I cry every time I go to The Wall and see her name there. Not long known, but long remembered!
God Bless You Missy.
December 2002 

Remembrances From The Vietnam Veterans Memorial, The Wall-USA Web Site:
Mary Jo Downes (Bertolucci), MAJ (Retired)
Fellow alumnus of Aultman Hospital
To my fellow friend and soldier, my nurse hero.
To the family of Sharon: I remember writing and receiving back a letter from Sharon's mother shortly after I entered the Air Force in 1974. I too am a graduate from Sharon's school of nursing in Canton, Ohio.  Every day while doing my clinicals at Aultman I would look at the statue that Aultman erected in her memory. I too went into the Air Force at the end of the Viet Nam era and later became a flight nurse and served in Desert Storm. The 26 years of my military life and experiences are owed to Sharon's memory. I still have the letter that her mother wrote back to me and will treasure it forever. I have visited the museum in Massillon, Ohio where some of Sharon's military articles are kept for the viewing public. She will always be my personal hero and she was someone that all of the nurses that graduate from Aultman Hospital School of Nursing will always look up to and be proud to be a part of what she shared during her training there.
May 2008
John N. Baldwin, MAJ, MD FACS
A Tribute to the Nurses who Served in Vietnam.
I was honored to serve as general/chest/vascular surgeon in III Corps at the 24th Evacuation Hospital from May 68-May 69.  I read with shock three weeks after returning "home" of Lt. Lane's instant death. Know this: Every single nurse in Vietnam with the US Army was a volunteer; a person who put herself in harm's way for the greater good. Nowhere in the annals of military history have nurses given more, worked harder and saved more lives than they did in Vietnam. I could not have been a surgeon without their superb backup, because once the operation was over, they became doctors; starting IVs, picking antibiotics, hanging blood, preventing bed sores, changing dressings, putting in tubes and catheters, comforting, and loving. Without them we were nothing. There is a special place in Heaven for Sharon Ann Lane who will now be forever young and she was the day she gave her last measure of devotion in what we now know was a rather senseless conflict. The falsehood of that war in no way diminishes the tremendous sacrifices we saw. Indeed in my mind it makes them all the more magnificent. We served. We went. Some did not come home. God bless.
April 2006
Jay Maloney
I was stationed at the 312th Evacuation Hospital when Sharon was killed. The damage to Ward 4 was quite severe that day.  The round was a 122.  I've read that she died of a single frag wound to her throat, but I recall seeing a single wound just below her clavicle. Memory does odd, unimportant things. It doesn't matter, does it?  I recently returned to Vietnam (March 2001) and visited a new clinic built in the little Village of Tan Hiep, [Tan Hiep Commune-Chu Lai, Vietnam] 3 or 4 miles from the site of the old 312th, right on Highway 1. The clinic was paid for by Vietnam Vet nurses. The place was built in Sharon's memory. My wife and daughter were with me on that trip. My daughter's birthday is the same as Sharon's. 40 years to the day. '43 to '83.  Interesting how time freezes for the dead.  Sharon was a pretty 26 year-old. Now she'd be nearly 60.
July 2001

By Wes Haun, SGT, 23rd MP Company, Chu Lai
I was the MP Desk Sgt on Sunday morning, June 8,1969 when we took incoming rockets into Chu Lai from the mountains several miles away. One hit the 312th Evac Hospital and killed Lt Lane and wounded one of the MPs there guarding the Ward. I hit the Siren Alarm that was activated when there was incoming fire at Chu Lai. It was a very short time later that we learned of her death. In 2001 her mother attended the Americal Division Reunion in Ohio and many visited her grave. She is always remembered, never forgotten and beloved by fellow veterans for her service and sacrifice. RIP.
June 2016

Kerry Pardue
Field Medic in Vietnam
"Sharon Lane, the All-American Girl"
She came to Vietnam not to fight or warrior to be
but to serve a higher purpose across the sea.
She knew the hurt, the pain, the dying
Sharon came to heal them and to stop the crying.
With purpose in her steps she made her rounds
To give hope to the soldier and to turn his frown upside down.
Whether it be the boy from back home or the Viet Cong
She did her job with care--she knew this is where she belonged.
She was cut down in the middle of the night
A piece of flying metal took her life.
She died alone
So far from home.
Her life was taken from us
Sharon's presence we still miss.
Let us never forget that freedom has a cost
Sharon became our hero-our hearts are empty by her loss.
Sharon was the All-American girl
She was perfection in an imperfect world.

 Military Associations and Other Affiliations
Vietnam Veterans MemorialThe National Gold Star Family Registry
  1982, Vietnam Veterans Memorial - Assoc. Page
  2010, The National Gold Star Family Registry
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