American Legion Military National

Administered By : Chief Administrator, TWS, DP1 2851 

Reunion Information
American Legion
Association Type
Military National


Contact Phone Number
(520) 398-6245

Contact Email
Not Specified
Year Established

Short Name
HQ Address
National Headquarters
Indianapolis Office
700 North Pennsylvania St.
P.O. Box 1055
Indianapolis, IN 46206


The Preeminent Voice for Veterans

The American Legion was chartered by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic, war-time veterans organization, devoted to mutual helpfulness. It is a not-for-profit community-service organization which now numbers nearly 3 million members, men and women, in nearly 15,000 American Legion posts worldwide.
">The Preeminent Voice for Veterans

The American Legion was chartered by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic, war-time veterans organization, devoted to mutual helpfulness. It is a not-for-profit community-service organization which now numbers nearly 3 million members, men and women, in nearly 15,000 American Legion posts worldwide.
">The Preeminent Voice for Veterans

The American Legion was chartered by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic, war-time veterans organization, devoted to mutual helpfulness. It is a not-for-profit community-service organization which now numbers nearly 3 million members, men and women, in nearly 15,000 American Legion posts worldwide.
">The Preeminent Voice for Veterans

The American Legion was chartered by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic, war-time veterans organization, devoted to mutual helpfulness. It is a not-for-profit community-service organization which now numbers nearly 3 million members, men and women, in nearly 15,000 American Legion posts worldwide.">The Preeminent Voice for Veterans

The American Legion was chartered by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic, war-time veterans organization, devoted to mutual helpfulness. It is a not-for-profit community-service organization which now numbers nearly 3 million members, men and women, in nearly 15,000 American Legion posts worldwide.
">The Preeminent Voice for Veterans

The American Legion was chartered by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic, war-time veterans organization, devoted to mutual helpfulness. It is a not-for-profit community-service organization which now numbers nearly 3 million members, men and women, in nearly 15,000 American Legion posts worldwide.
">The Preeminent Voice for Veterans

The American Legion was chartered by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic, war-time veterans organization, devoted to mutual helpfulness. It is a not-for-profit community-service organization which now numbers nearly 3 million members, men and women, in nearly 15,000 American Legion posts worldwide.

Direct Reporting All Chapters  
Member-At-Large National Headquarters
Post 119 (Abbeville, AL) Post 106 (Addison, AL)
Post 138 (Alabaster, AL) Post 94 (Albertville, AL)
Post 103 (Alexander City, AL) Post 327 (Aliceville, AL)
Post 80 (Andalusia, AL) Post 168 (Anderson, AL)
Post 26 (Anniston, AL) Post 312 (Anniston, AL)
Post 114 (Arab, AL) Post 124 (Ardmore, AL)
Post 223 (Arley, AL) Post 55 (Ashford, AL)
Post 170 (Ashville, AL) Post 20 (Athens, AL)
Post 49 (Athens, AL) Post 348 (Athens, AL)
Post 90 (Atmore, AL) Post 71 (Attala, AL)
Post 188 (Bay Minette, AL) Post 51 (Bear Creek, AL)
Post 136 (Berry, AL) Post 22 (Bessemer, AL)
Post 149 (Bessemer, AL) Post 1 (Birmingham, AL)
Post 23 (Birmingham, AL) Post 43 (Birmingham, AL)
Post 102 (Birmingham, AL) Post 137 (Birmingham, AL)
Post 171 (Birmingham, AL) Post 192 (Birmingham, AL)
Post 267 (Birmingham, AL) Post 911 (Birmingham, AL)
Post 129 (Blountsville, AL) Post 79 (Brewton, AL)
Post 163 (Brilliant, AL) Post 145 (Brundidge, AL)

Association Photos
Member Association

10814 Enrolled

42 Eligible


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20 Photos

1 Pending

1 Joined


Available Badges
15.jpg 2577.png 2663.png
Member Roster
10814 Enrolled 42 Eligible All Members
FA Aabid, Akil (AA), SFC EN Aalsburg, Michael (HOWLER), SFC 3
AR Aamodt, Ron, SPC  AV Aanerud McDonald, Denise, SP 4
MD Aaron, Eric, SSG IN Abbey, Brian, SGT 2
MP Abbey, James, SSG 4 MD Abbinanti, Martin, LTC 1
OD Abbott, Robert, SP 5 AV Abbott, Shenan (Wuertenberg), SGT 6
MP Abe, Steven, SGT 43 FA Abel, Stephen (Steve), COL
FA Abraham, Nathan (Abe), 1SG QM Abrahamson, Carl, SFC
IN Abrahamson, Robert Manfred, PFC -Deceased  QM Abram, Kattie, LTC
AR Abrams, Don, SFC 1 EN Abramshe, Eugene, 1SG 2
MI Abregana, Jaime, III (Benjiro), SFC  AG Abreu, Rafael (Tankertuff), SFC 1
MP Abril, Richard (Sgt Abril), SSG IN Acebes, William (Bill), CSM
CM Achgill, Gary, SGT 3 EN Acker, Doug, SPC 10
IN Ackerman, Carl, T/4 -Deceased  AV Ackerman, Donald (AK), SSG 1
MP Ackerman, Robert (AK), SP 4 3 IN Ackley, Russell, SP 4
Acosta, Francisco C, PFC -Deceased  AR Acuna, Manuel (papa bear), SGT 4
QM Adair, Edwin Ross, CPT -Deceased  IN Adair, James Lee, SPC -Fallen 
AV Adair, Michael (Mike), CW5 43 AV Adamakos, George, LTC 1
OD Adamovicz, Douglas, SPC 3 EN Adams, Brian, SP 4
IN Adams, Charles, SGT  MD Adams, Clark (Doc), SFC 21
MP Adams, Dale (Radar), SFC 166 TC Adams, Darrin (Bandit7), 1SG 2

Eligible Units

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Association News and Events (More..)
Mar 24, 2017, MEMBERSHIP!!! 1
  Our numbers are starting to hurt everywhere.  Our posts are hurting for young blood, and our beloved Veterans from WWII and Korea  and Vietnam are growing older every day.  Every State in the Union has the same problem.  South Carolina has come up with a novel approach and at the National meeting, many thought the idea was good, so I am letting everyone know about it here too.

"Stop the Slide".  is a program where every member goes out and brings in one new member for his Post.  Once that new member signs up and pays their first years dues, that recruiter is issued the +1 pin to wear on their Cap or lapel during meetings.  

This is a program that every state inthe Union can jump aboard, pins can be produced for next to nothing with the various state shapes and everyone can become a recruiter.  Come on people  lets get our numbers back up because Numbers mean VOTES and VOTES are the ony thngs that Politicians understand.

(see the pin in the pictures)
Jul 15, 2015, US Ensign that flew on USS Enterprise ha... 1
Association Chapter Documents
 May 14, 1976, Walter F Howarth American Legion Pos381 ...
 American Legion Application

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