Featured Military Association: Non-Commissioned Officers Association

Have you been awarded a Purple Heart? If so, now is the time to join the Military Order of the Purple Heart - Chartered by the U.S. Congress. We are a 501(c) 19 non-profit War Veterans Service Organization. We have 417 Chapters and 48 Departments located in six regions of the United States of America.
Life membership is only $50.00 very affordable, and you will be promoting MOPH programs to help and serve Veterans, their families, and communities as other Combat Wounded Veterans have done since 1932.
From service in Beirut, Grenada, Panama, Persian Gulf, Libya, and the Global War on Terrorism there have been more than 58,000 Purple Hearts awarded for wounds received in action by enemies of the United States of America. You as a Purple Heart recipient have earned this high honor and distinction.
There is no greater bond amongst warriors than of those who have been wounded for our Nation’s cause. Welcome Home & welcome to the Military Order Purple Heart. Please go to www.purpleheart.org and join today! Or email: membership@purpleheart.org Or Mail application and documents to MOPH Headquarters, Membership Department, 5413-B Backlick Road, Springfield, VA 22151-3960.
Post-Vietnam Recruitment Committee, Military Order of the Purple Heart of the U.S.A.
Today the Non Commissioned Officers Association (NCOA) remains a vital fraternal, benevolent non-profit Military Service Organization. Join our 40,000 members as we represent the voice of 17.9 million Enlisted Veterans, and 1.8 million Enlisted service members, Active Duty, Reserves, and National Guard. NCOA acts as a conduit between the military and civilian communities in local areas and promotes positive community relations.
The Association is proud of its efforts in three primary areas: Legislative Representation; Social and Fraternal Programs; and Member Benefits in specialized services and discount programs. NCOA has much to offer its members and you too can join our numbers. Membership in NCOA is open to all, however, you must meet certain criteria to be a voting member of the Association, but this does not prevent you from being an Associate member and supporting our organization, and reaping the benefits of being a member.
Membership Categories are as follows:
REGULAR MEMBERS: Any individual who served in any branch of the US Armed Forces, Active duty, Reserves, National Guard, retired or separated personnel who held the pay grade E-1 through E-9, any time prior to or at the time of separation from active duty under honorable conditions.
VETERANS MEMBERS: Any individual who served in any branch of the United States Armed Forces Active duty, Reserves, National Guard, retired or separated personnel, who never held enlisted pay grade and under honorable conditions.
ASSOCIATE MEMBERS: Any individual who actively supports the aims and goals of the NCOA but is not eligible for other categories of membership such as allied foreign military services.
INTERNATIONAL AUXILIARY MEMBERS: Any spouse/former spouse, widow/widower, and family members 18 years of age or older of enlisted members, whether active duty, separated, veteran, Reserve or National Guard, in pay the grade E-1 through E-9.
NCOA’s Chapters are the foundation of the Association. They are the centers of social interaction among association members, grass-roots benevolent activity, military and community support, and involvement programs. This includes support to local Military Installation’s Quality of Life Programs, Service Member Recognition Programs, support of Fisher Houses, VA Hospitals, providing support to the needy, and sending care packages to deployed Service Members.
Association Chapters exist worldwide from small towns in the United States to countries like Korea, and Italy; almost everywhere American service members are stationed or call home. Go to www.ncoausa.org to find a chapter near you.
If you are already a member, please promote this fantastic and beneficial membership information to fellow service members and Veterans looking for a supportive military community. If they are interested or have questions have them contact us or visit www.ncoausa.org. You can also visit and like our Facebook page NCOA USA.
Click on Link to Support NCOA Amazon Smiles.
Disaster Relief Fund - https://smile.amazon.com/ch/74-2756133
Scholarship Fund – https://smile.amazon.com/ch/74-2351587