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Places, Bases, and Memories: After Fifty Years

It has been said by many that the military experience tends to bond people together who would not even have come together if not for the military. This report cites an example of the significance of the bonding experience and how it creates long lasting friendships. This is equally true of our group of Vietnam era combat veterans who have reconnected.

All of us departed Vietnam in 1969, and would not have any connection for the next forty- eight years. We would not meet face-to-face until 2015. We managed to find each other through research and networking. We all remembered each other and seemed to have remembered many of the events in which we all participated. We came from across the nation though we had no previous contact. The war time environment had placed all of us from very diverse backgrounds in a situation in which we had to rely on each other to complete the military mission. 

We all served in the United States Army Infantry and were assigned to Vietnam in 1968/1969. 
We all went on to civilian careers, and became very productive citizens. All of us are retired now. Two Police Officers, one from trucking industry, a postal service employee, gas service company, military/education, a college professor, and one from the printing industry.  

Fifty years ago, the eight of us served in the 4th Infantry Division in the Central Highlands of Vietnam in 1968 thru 1969. We were assigned to the 1st of 14th Infantry Battalion where we were deployed in the same platoon. Two received Purple Hearts and two are receiving 100% disability for Agent-Orange contact.

Although we came from different backgrounds prior to our military experience, we had many characterizes in common. Our age range was eighteen to twenty-four years. Below you will see a list of characteristics we shared:

1. We were all drafted into the Army in 1968.
2. All of us received Combat Infantry Training at various military installations.
3. We were all assigned to the 1st of the 14th Infantry, 4th Division.
4. All of us were assigned to the same platoon in 1968, a platoon consisted of around twenty men total.
5. With exception of one making rank of Sergeant, all finished with the rank of Specialist 4.
6. All of us did not want to be in Vietnam!

What makes this group unique is the fact we were in the same place at the same time in Vietnam, and have come together after fifty years. In interviews with current military commands, they find it to be amazing. They have examples of groups coming together from the same command over a period, different eras, but not same time, and the same place. That's rare. The percentage of the platoon that made it to the reunion, is remarkable.


As you see there has been a change in size!