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This Remembrance Profile was originally created by MSG John Porter - Deceased
Casualty Info
Home Town Philadelphia
Last Address Philadelphia
Casualty Date Oct 08, 1967
Cause MIA-Finding of Death
Reason Other Explosive Device
Location Binh Dinh (Vietnam)
Conflict Vietnam War
Location of Interment Beverly National Cemetery (VA) - Beverly, New Jersey
Last Name HEWLETT Given Names DENNIS HENRY Date of Birth 19470821 08/21/1947 Service A Army Component R Regular Rank PVT Private Grade and posthumous promotion E2 Service Occupation 76A10 Supply Clerk (ARMY) Actual Date of Casualty Actual Date of Death 19671008 10/08/1967 Tour Date 670830 08/30/1967 Posthumous decoration Casualty Type A3 Hostile, Died While Missing Reason G Other Explosive Device Air no Air 7 Ground Casualty Body Recovered Country VS South Vietnam Province 07 Binh Dinh Casualty Location Major command, eg division or brigade 1st Log Cmd Company/battery/troop or similar level unit 359th Trans Co Battalion or similar level unit 240th QM Bn Home of Record City PHILADELPHIA Home of Record State Code Pennsylvania Panel 27E Line 72 PVT - E2 - Army - Regular Length of service 0 years His tour began on Aug 30, 1967 Casualty was on Oct 8, 1967 In BINH DINH, SOUTH VIETNAM Hostile, died while missing, GROUND CASUALTY OTHER EXPLOSIVE DEVICE Body was recovered DENNIS HENRY HEWLETT Army - PVT - E2 Age: 20 Race: Negro Sex: Male Date of Birth Aug 21, 1947 From: PHILADELPHIA, PA Religion: BAPTIST Marital Status: Single
John Gress (1st Photo Credit) sjwgress@dslextreme.com Served with Hewlett in 359th TC Dennis, I shall never forget seeing you at 1500 hrs, Sunday, October 7, 1967, prior to your perimeter guard duty assignment. I'll never forget the sound of the automatic weapons fire at 0030 hrs, October 8th and the explosions and flames that followed. We were both new to the 359th TC. You were the only individual I knew. Nothing has ever touched my life like the events of that night, and the next morning being ordered to cut open your lockers, list and inventory the contents, and hand carry them to Graves Registration for shipment home. I was in Philadelphia twice returning home, but could not find courage enough to contact your family. Finally I did talk to your mother via telephone almost twenty years to the day. She was a very great lady and wished I would have called before your father passed. Sorry, but it took some time to get past the events and memories of that night. I found your photo of you and I downtown An Khe just a few days before October 8th. After these many years, I had no idea I had your photograph until the 359th Association reunion in 2005, Indianapolis, IN. Although our ethnic origins are different, inside we're the same color. Oct 21, 2006 Jack Newell(2nd photo credit) jackson97@comcast.net Brother Viet Vet Hewlett was a tire repairman for three years before enlisting in the Army in December 1966. He had attended Theodore Roosevelt Junior High School. Hewlett was sent to Vietnam in August 1967 and assigned to the 359th Transportation Company of the 1st Logistical Command. "Don't worry, I'll be home next year. Just 359 days to go," he wrote home on his first day in the country. Hewlett, a supply clerk, died near An Khe, Binh Dinh Province, on October 8, 1967, as a rseult of burns he suffered when a satchel charge exploded in the military vehicle in which he was sleeping. The 20-year-old private was survived by his parents, six brothers and five sisters. Dennis lived on North 16th Street, in North Philadelphia. Source: Philadelphia Daily News 10/26/1987 Friday, December 05, 2003 We Remember Posted for: DENNIS HENRY HEWLETT: Dennis is buried at Beverly Nat Cem. Posted by: Robert Sage Email: rsage@austin.rr.com Relationship: Monday, February 14, 2005