Photo Album of McHugh, John James, 1LT
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58 MMA Reunion
18 of 40
from  1LT John James McHugh  album
In the foursome: left is CSM (Ret.) Buddy Gee, who served in Vietnam with McHugh in the 5th Special Forces, from 1967 - 1968; LTC Bret Tecklenburg, current Commander of the U. S. Army Marksmanship Unit, Fort Benning, GA; LTC Don Ray, current DCO, 5th Special Forces Group, Fort Campbell, KY; COL (Ret.) Bruce Meredith, who served with McHugh at the AMU, Fort Benning from 1965 to 1967. The painting is located at the AMU, Fort Benning.
posted By McHugh, John James, 1LT
Dec 1, 2014

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