1681 - 1692 of 1744 images
Ist Platoon at rest
1st Platoon in convoy at rest (That's me in left rear first track)
Ist Platoon 40 years later (Front row McElroy, Rivard, Salas, Bradley, in rear Cox, and Huff)
Look familiar to anyone?
Another familiar Item although I don't rememer Tuna Fish - Anyone care for some Ham and Lima Beans?
Me scaring two Spider Monkeys that came on our track (Squad Leader thought it was funny)
Roger McGill Then and Now
Roger McGill
McElroy in 1st Platoon Hooch
M113's on the move
M113 Heading out
M113 Heading out to the field
1681 -1692 of 1744 images
Roger McGill
1688 of 1744