Description Purpose: To prepare officers for command and staff duties at battalion through brigade or comparable levels in both divisional and nondivisional units, with emphasis on the exercise of command at battalion level.
Scope: Tactical doctrine, offensive, defensive, retrograde, internal defense and internal development, armored cavalry, joint airborne/airmobile, amphibious, artillery, chemical/biological/radiological, and Air Force operations; nuclear weapons employment; field trips and demonstrations; ranger operations; personnel; intelligence; operations; logistics; training management; staff exercises and CPX; automatic data processing, operations research/systems analysis, general management; tactical cover and deception; military leadership; effective writing and speaking; legal and medical subjects; physical training; special presentations; refresher instruction; communications electronics; maintenance management; materiel readiness, unit readiness; preventive maintenance; individual, special purpose, and crew-served weapons; weapons system trends and developments; student evaluation; guest speaker program; electives program; processing; and physical conditioning.
Prerequisites: Commissioned officer in grade of captain. Member of the active Army whose branch is Infantry, Armor, or Artillery. Must have completed the Infantry Officer Basic course or equivalent branch qualifying course. Final SECRET security clearance required.