This Military Service Page was created/owned by
SP 5 Jack Giannosa
to remember
Beecherl, Rick, SP 5.
If you knew or served with this Soldier and have additional information or photos to support this Page, please leave a message for the Page Administrator(s) HERE.
Currently I am retired from DTE Energy. I was there for 36 years. I worked in the Maintenance Dept. in the Power Plants as a Welder. My hobbies are a 1967 Pontiac GTO and Woodworking.
This was a Reunion for all the Vets who served in or with the 11th and 14th ACR. Each Sqdn. hosted events in the repective town they were stationed, then all moved to Fulda for Regiment activities and a Banquet.
I added a week to the trip so I could take my wife to many of the places I had been on passes or leave, Frankfurt, Munich, Heidelburg, and a town called Waldmuchen on the Czech border. I have a relative there and had arranged to spend a day with them.