This Military Service Page was created/owned by
Felix Cervantes, III (Admiral Ese)-Historian
to remember
Thurston, Golden Lock, T/5.
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Casualty Info
Home Town Stevensburg
Last Address Albemarle County, VA
Casualty Date May 21, 1944
Cause Non Hostile- Died Other Causes
Reason Artillery, Rocket, Mortar
Location Hawaii
Conflict World War II
Location of Interment Courts of the Missing at the Honolulu Memorial - Honolulu, Hawaii
WWII - American Theater/West Loch Explosions (1944)
From Month/Year
May / 1944
To Month/Year
May / 1944
Description The West Loch Disaster was an American maritime accident during World War II at the Pearl Harbor U.S. Naval Base in Hawaii. The incident, which occurred just after 3pm on Sunday 21 May 1944, began following an explosion in a staging area for Landing Ships, Tank (LSTs) and other amphibious assault ships in West Loch. A fire quickly spread among the ships being prepared for Operation Forager, the invasion of the Japanese-held Mariana Islands. Over the next 24 hours, six LSTs sank, 163 naval personnel died and 396 were injured.
A subsequent Naval Board of Inquiry never determined the exact cause of the disaster. But it concluded the initial explosion was caused when a mortar round aboard LST-353 detonated during an unloading operation because it was either dropped or went off when gasoline vapors ignited. The incident – together with the Port Chicago disaster two months later – led to major changes in weapon handling practices within the United States Navy.
The LST wreckage was quickly cleared in a salvage operation and dumped at sea 3 mi (2.6 nmi; 4.8 km) south of Hawaii. Only the hull of the partially beached LST-480 was left in West Loch. A press blackout was enforced and naval personnel were ordered not to talk about the incident. The disaster is therefore not as well known as the Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor of December 1941; in part because it was classified top secret until 1960.
During the salvage and removal of the wrecks from West Loch, the U.S. Navy found remains of a Japanese midget submarine. Researchers now believe this to be the fifth Japanese midget submarine used in the attack in December 1941.