Photo Album of Tufto, Gary, PFC
73 - 84 of 102 images
of 9
73 -84 of 102 images
of 9

3 man Patrol
80 of 102
from  1967-1968, 11B10, 1st Infantry Division  album
They would send 3 of us out on patrols as bait. They would point out on a map where they wanted us to go. We were supposed to call in every half hour to let them know where we were. They told us that if we were attacked, they would be right there to bail us out. Bull Shit. If it took us 2 hours to walk to a location, it would take them at least 2 hours to get to us. This was pure Insanity. We usually got out of sight and hid, calling up every half hour and lying about where we were.
posted By Tufto, Gary, PFC
Jun 16, 2018

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