National EOD Association (NATEODA) Military Professional

Administered By : IN Vining, Mike, SGM 48

Reunion Information
National EOD Association (NATEODA)
Association Type
Military Professional


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Year Established

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HQ Address
635 Blackhawk Road
South Fork, CO 81154-9609


Formed in 1988, the National Explosive Ordnance Disposal Association (NATEODA) is a non-profit fraternal and educational organization of active and formerly active members of the military services of the United States of America who have served in military Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) positions. Military EOD personnel of other nations are welcome to apply for associate membership.
The purpose of NATEODA is to preserve the history of EOD and to promote brotherhood among those who are serving and have served in the noble and self-sacrificing task of safely disposing of munitions. Once known as bomb disposal, the mission includes the rendering safe and disposal of all hazardous items containing explosives including: Conventional explosive munitions, chemical weapons, biological weapons, pyrotechnics, mines and booby-traps, and nuclear weapons and materials.

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39 Enrolled

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Member Roster
39 Enrolled 0 Eligible All Members
OD Banta, Irvin (Irvin), SGM 1 OD Burke, Sean, SGM 2
OD Chubb, Christopher (Chubb), SFC 2 OD Cornelison, Scott (Corn), 1SG 7
OD Deeter, James (Sherman), SFC -Deceased  OD Donnelly, Joshua (Don), SPC 1
OD Duncan, James (Jimmy), SFC 3 OD Eastwood, Woodward (Woody), MSG 11
OD Engelhardt, Henry C., III (Bud), MAJ -Deceased  OD Flynn, Richard, SP 4 2
CA Gray, Daniel (AzianBlaster69), SFC 3 OD Greer, Edward, 1SG -Deceased 
OD Harrison, Roger (ShellCracker 5), CSM 2 MI Hudson, Leonard (Leon), MAJ 1
Jackson, Landon, SFC 1 OD James, Ferris, SGM 2
IN Jimenez, Joseph, LTC 2 OD Johannes, David, SP 5
OD King, Gene (Ed , EOD 6), COL 6 OD Koekkoek, Joel, MSG 1
OD Lauer, Paul, 1SG  OD Lesko, Michael (rockinmike), SGM 1
OD McGlaughlin, Joseph, Sr. (Mac, Orphan25), SGT 10 OD McGuire, Joseph (MAC), SFC 28
OD Palmer, Raymond (Ray), SFC 1 OD Pixley, Bill, SP 4 14
OD Raup, Ellsworth Allen, SSG -Deceased  OD Reed, Brian Michael, SSG -Deceased 
OD Rhodes, Douglas (Dusty), MSG 1 OD Robley, Marvin (Rob), MWO4
OD Sadler, Bobby, Jr., LTC 3 OD Steagall, Robert (Bobby), SPC 1
OD Steinberg, Stuart (Stu), SP 5 1 OD Steinberg, Stuart (Stu), SP 5 -Deceased 
OD Stickle, Richard (Rick), MSG 1 OD Taylor, Stephen (Steve), SGM -Deceased 
IN Vining, Mike, SGM 48 IN Vining, Mike, SGM 48
OD Wadleigh, Richard (Rich), CW2 5

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