Warrant Officers current, past, future and their families rely on up-to-date information from around the force and community. Our goal is provide that informtion directly or through third party links.The
Warrant Officer Corps is known for its diverse, interllectual aptitude, networking capabilities, dedications to mission excellence and success. Every officers opinion, ingenuity, initiative, professionalism and the desire to learn and mentor is what makes the corps as strong and successful as we are today. So please join or rejoin today and express your voice. Make the difference for today and tomorrow. Knowledge is power!
The Design is COMPLETE!!! Let us know how we did
Date Event
Jan 31, 2015
Comments Ladies and Gentlemen.... The much promised and purposed First Official Pikes Peak Silver Chapter Warrant Officer Association coin.
We WANT your opinion. Do you like it? Dislike? Recommend changes? We are listening to YOU. Once approved the coins will go into production and be available for purchase. Our goal is to design a professional looking coin that is affordable and meaningful.
The coin was designed by CW4 David M. Brine Jr., who is currently the Treasurer, Historian, and Webmaster for our 3 pages (FB, Together We Served, and the original website).