Primus, Monica J, SFC

 TWS Ribbon Bar
Life Member
 Photo In Uniform   Service Details
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Service Status
USA Retired
Final Rank
Sergeant First Class
Last Service Branch
Medical Corps
Last MOS
68Q-Pharmacy Specialist
Last MOS Group
Primary Unit
1989-1991, 91Q, Reynolds Army Community Hospital
Previously Held MOS
91Q-Pharmacy Specialist
Service Years
1988 - 2010
Official/Unofficial US Army Certificates
Certificate Of Achievement
Certificate Of Appreciation
Cold War Certificate
Operation Enduring Freedom
Operation Iraqi Freedom
Soldier of the Month
Voice Edition
Medical Corps
Sergeant First Class
Seven Service Stripes

 Official Badges 

US Army Retired (Post-2007)

 Unofficial Badges 

AMEDD Center and School Instructor Badge Cold War Medal Cold War Veteran Global War On Terror

 Military Associations and Other Affiliations
Sigma Phi PsiMilitary Women's MemorialATWS Volunteer Profile Assistance TeamATWS Advisory Group
  2002, Sigma Phi Psi - Assoc. Page
  2004, Military Women's Memorial - Assoc. Page
  2019, ATWS Volunteer Profile Assistance Team
  2020, ATWS Advisory Group

 Additional Information
What are you doing now:

I am crocheting blankets for my siblings, their spouses, and my nephews..

I am vetting profiles on Army: Together We Served.

I am translating a cookbook from Friulan into English.

I am working on multiple family trees.

I am currently working on a research project about the people buried in Brookside Cemetery in Fayetteville, North Carolina and their descendants.

Other Comments:

I started as a Volunteer Profile Assistance Team member on 9 Jun 2019.


 Remembrance Profiles -  35 Soldiers Remembered
  • Farr, Jamie, CPL, (1957-1963)

 Tributes from Members  
God Bless You posted by MI Cameron, David (Pops), MSG 236 

   1991-1993, 91Q, Reynolds Army Community Hospital

From Month/Year
- / 1991
To Month/Year
- / 1993
Reynolds Army Community Hospital Unit Page
91Q-Pharmacy Specialist
Base, Fort or City
Fort Sill
 Reynolds Army Community Hospital Details

Reynolds Army Community Hospital
Parent Unit
Garrision Hospitals/Clinics
Created/Owned By
Not Specified

Last Updated: Oct 7, 2021
Memories For This Unit

Other Memories
For a while, I worked at TMC#2, which is now SGT David Bleak TMC.  It is in the Basic Training area of Fort Sill.  When I worked there, it was located at the top of the hill across from someone's motorpool.  I beleive we were in Building 6002 on Edwards Street just after turning off Berry Street.  If you were looking at the building from the front, then TMC#2 occupied the left third of the building.  The clinic NCOIC was SSG Gerald Heath.

Some of the medics that worked there were: SPC Angel Arce (male), SPC Charles Pickwell, PFC Zoraida Turnipseed.  SPC Leah Garza was one of our Patient Admin clerks along with SGT Rose (?) Washington.  We had 3 Physicians Assistants: Ms. Donna MIlligan, Mr. Ruben, and Mr. Mike Swetman.  They were Warrent Officers when I started working there, but at some point the Army changed them to commissioned officers and I don't recall what theri ranks became.

We had a military physician, CPT Charles Ryan. pretty sure he was the OIC and a civilian physician whose name I don't recall.  CPT Ryan got out of the Army and became Dr. Elizabeth Ryan and the last time I saw her, she was working at the Family Practice clinic at the hospital (Reynolds Army Community Hospital).

We had to be at work at 0500 because we were the TMC for the Basic and OSUT trainees.  The clinic doors closed at 1400, but that didn't mean that was when we left.  We did not leave until the last patient was seen and since I was pharmacy, I was always one of the last people to leave.

I remember one year, myself and a few of the medics pranked Mr. Ruben for April Fools Day.  He always drank his coffee black and would leave it at the front counter so I dropped a pyridium tablet in it which then caused him to pee orange.  We also took a bunch of condoms and attached them to his car anywhere we could. And, the final thing I did was to soak his chair with water.  He knew we were out to get him so he was opening all drawers very carefully and even touched the seat of his chair and found out it was wet.  Well, as the day progressed he forgot that his chair was wet and sat down. It was very funny because then he was walking around with the ass of his BDUs all wet and still had to see patients.

My pharmacy was an old arm's room, which was perfect because it had a safe in it.  There had not been a pharmacy tech working there previously and they were limited to prepacked medicine that they got from the Outpatient Pharmacy at the hospital.  So, to help reduce the amount of lost training time for the trainees, I was sent out there to run a full fledged pharmacy that way a larger variety of medications, including controlled substances, could be maintained there and the trainees did not have to loose a day of training when they needed something other than prepacked medications.  I was also responsible for maintaining the medications for the 8 Battalion Aid Stations (BAS) that were manned by our medics every morning.  Before the medics would go out each day, they came to see me to pick up their restock orders.  Again, this facilitated with cutting down the amount of time the trainees lost by treating simple colds, bumps, and bruises at the BAS so they could get back to training.

I really liked that assignment.

My Photos For This Unit
No Available Photos
23 Members Also There at Same Time
Reynolds Army Community Hospital

Pacheco, Julio, SSG, (1980-2000) MD 91Q Staff Sergeant
Samson-Thorbs, Patricia, MSG, (1971-1995) MD 71G10 Master Sergeant
Bliss, Rodney, MSG, (1973-1997) MD 91G40 Sergeant First Class
Burk, Michael, SFC, (1970-1993) MD 91D10 Sergeant First Class
Seitz, Michael, SGM, (1987-2013) MD 68V Staff Sergeant
Austinson, Damon, SGT, (1987-1998) MD 91B10 Sergeant
Derbes, Doyle, SGT, (1984-1991) MD 91C Sergeant
Guffy Williams, Vickie, CPT, (1992-2017) MD 68P Sergeant
Sanchez Martinez, Juan, SFC, (1987-2007) MD 68W Sergeant
Washburn, Lorraine, CPT, (1984-2008) MD 91B10 Sergeant
Harvey, James, SPC, (1983-1991) MD 91B10 Specialist
Hendricks, Shawn, SPC, (1989-1992) MD 92B10 Specialist
Kron, Valeria, SPC, (1983-1992) MD 91V Specialist
Woekel, Gannon, PFC, (1991-1994) MD 91B10 Private First Class
Moore, Santo, PV2, (1991-1991) MD 71G10 Private (E-2)
Scott, Tim, LTC, (1973-1994) AN 66F Lieutenant Colonel
Woerman, Allyn, LTC, (1969-1991) SP 65B Lieutenant Colonel
Baird, Debra, MAJ, (1981-1996) AN 66B Captain
Rice, Peggy, CPT, (1982-1998) AN 66D Captain
Bouvia, Nathan, SFC, (1971-1995) FA 15E Sergeant First Class
Pack, Pamela, SPC, (1990-1995) AR 000 Specialist 4
Murphy, Yolanda, SPC, (1991-2004) MD Specialist

Scott, Randolph, SFC, (1981-2005) MD 91W Staff Sergeant

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