Yellis, James, SSG

 Photo In Uniform   Service Details
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Service Status
ARNG Retired
Final Rank
Staff Sergeant
Last Service Branch
Last MOS
11C30-Indirect Fire Infantryman
Last MOS Group
Primary Unit
2009-2014, 11C10, HHT, 1st Squadron, 18th Cavalry Regiment
Previously Held MOS's
11C10-Indirect Fire Infantryman
79S-Career Counselor
13E10-Cannon Fire Direction Specialist
Service Years
1987 - 2014
Official/Unofficial US Army Certificates
Certificate Of Achievement
Cold War Certificate
Order of the Spur
US Army Disabled Veteran Certificate
Staff Sergeant
Seven Service Stripes
Two Overseas Service Bars

 Official Badges 

Career Counselor Infantry Shoulder Cord Army Honorable Discharge (1984-Present)

 Unofficial Badges 

Cold War Medal Order of The Spur (Gold) Cold War Veteran

 Military Associations and Other Affiliations
American LegionGeneralUS Armor AssociationChaper 28
3rd  Cavalry AssociationPost 10267, Jurupa Post
  1999, American Legion - Assoc. Page
  2007, National Infantry Association (NIA), General (Member)
  2007, US Armor Association
  2014, Disabled American Veterans (DAV), Chaper 28 (Executive Director) (Riverside, California) - Chap. Page
  2014, 3rd Cavalry Association
  2019, Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), Post 10267, Jurupa Post (Member) (Riverside, California) - Chap. Page

 Additional Information
What are you doing now:

I am currently retiered and enjoying being a Student again (useing my Post 9-11 GI Bill.

I was working as the CP NCOIC for Bravo Troop 1-18th Cavalry 2012-2014
from 2005- 2009 I was the Squadron Career Counselor  for the 18th Cavalry and unoffical Awards NCO in 2009 I became the Admin NCO for HHT 1-18th Cavalry. 

Cavalry Stetson
ORDER OF THE SPUR (also Cavalry Stetson)
(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

The ORDER OF THE SPUR is a Cavalry tradition within the United States Army.  Soldiers serving with Cavalry units (referred to as Troopers) are inducted into the ORDER OF THE SPUR after successfully completing a "Spur Ride" or for having served during combat as a member of a Cavalry unit.  Traditionally, each Trooper is presented spurs by his sponsor at a ceremonial dining in commonly referred to as the "Spur Dinner."  The spurs are to be worn with the military uniform during Squdron or Regimental ceremonies and events or as designated by the Cavalry unit commander.  In some units, gold spurs are awarded for combat inductions while silver spurs represent having completed the Spur Ride.  Within the tradition, silver spurs and gold spurs hold a similar relationship for the cavalry as the Expert Infantryman Badge and the Combat Infantryman Badge hold for the Infantry.  There is no Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) requirement for the ORDER OF THE SPUR and the order is open to members of foreign militaries serving with the U.S. Cavalry units.


The tradition of having to "earn your spurs" reaches back to the beginning of the cavalry.  When green Troopers first arrived at their new cavalry assignments they were assigned a horse with a shaved tail.  This led to the name "Shaved Tail" for newly assigned, spur-less Soldiers.  These new Troopers were in need of extensive training, especially in the area of swordsmanship from atop a horse.  The horse with a shaved tail was given extra space in which to operate since its rider was marked as an amateur.  During this phase of training the Troopers were not allowed to wear spurs because this would only serve to compound their problems.  Only when they were able to prove their ability to perform with their horse and saber were they awarded spurs.


The Spur Ride is the only means of joining the ORDER OF THE SPUR, aside from wartime induction.  The Spur Ride is an event normally held over multiple days during which the Trooper must pass a series of physical and mental tests that evaluate leadership, technical proficiency, and the ability to operate as part of a team under high levels of stress and fatigue, under both day and night conditions.  A written test is often administered, with questions that cover United States Cavalry and unit history.  During the Spur Ride, candidates will be required to recite from memory the traditional cavalry poem, Fiddler's Green, or other traditions or historical information pertaining to the Cavalry.

The criteria for participation in the Spur Ride are set by each Cavalry unit, usually at the Sqaudron level.  Many units require demonstrated leadership ability through planning and conducting unit-level training events such as gunnery ranges, soldier task training or other NCO/Officer-level tasks.  Some examples of minimum criteria are: 
  • Score a minimum of 250 on the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) 
  • Meet height and weight requrements of AR 600-9.
  • Qualify "Expert" with primary weapon (M9 or M16/M4).
  • Be recommended by Troop First Sergeant and Commander.                                                                              
Upon successful completion of the Spur Ride, new spur holders are welcomed with a formal induction ceremony.  The ceremony is a dining in, called the Spur Dinner, that often includes other military traditions such as honoring lost comrades, a traditional punch (called a grog), and a roll call of the successful candidates.  Some units also hold a "hero's breakfast" immediately following the Spur Ride.  During the breakfast, the unit commander presents a toast welcomng the successful candidants to the brotherhood prior to the formal induction ceremony.


The U.S. Department of the Army classifies the Order Of The Spur as an Army tradition, so regulations for induction into the Order Of The Spur and the wear of cavalry accoutrements are set by each cavalry unit commander.  Lacking any Army-wide regulations, some standards differ from unit to unit, but the tradition remains the same.  What follows is one example of a Cavalry Squadron's policy on the wear of Stenson's and Spurs. 

Wear of Cavalry Stetson and Spurs.

1. Stetson: The Stetson will be black in color.  Rank and Regimental or ordinary cavalry brass will adorn the Stetson.  The braid will be worn around the base of the Stetson.  Troopers will wear appropriatre braid color.  Braid ends or acorns will be to the front of the Stetson and no more than one acorn length over the brim.  Crossed Sabers will be placed in front of the Stetson.  Organizational sabers are authorized if assigned or affiliated to the regiment.  Rank will be worn 1/8" from the top of the sabers, centered.
a. Field Grade Officer: Solid Gold.
b. Company Grade Officer: Gold and Black.
c. Warrant Officer:
(1) CW4, CW5 - Solid Silver
(2) WO1, CW2, CW3 - Silver and Black
d. Non Commissioned Officer: Yellow
(1) The nape strap will be threaded through the appropriate eyelets in the brim of the Stetson so that the strap goes around the back and the buckle is fastened and centered on the wearers head.
(2) The sides of the crown shall not be pushed in or otherwise modified.  The brim will be flat with a slight droop at rhe front.
(3) The Stetson will be worn on the head with the brim parallel to the ground.
(4) Occasions for wearing the Stetson:  Squadron Dining-ins/outs, formal events in dress blues, gatherings of spur holders, professional gatherings such as AAAA and any other event or function as designated by Saber 6.

2. Spurs:  Spurs will be worn as a matched pair.  The type of spurs allowed are set by each unit but most often they are Prince of Wales style spurs.
a. Low Quarters:  The spurs will be affixed to the footgear midway between the upper portion of the sole and the lower part of the heel along the seam of the shoe.  The U shaped portion shall enclose the shoe in such a manner as to assure that the rowel of the spurs curves down to the ground.  The strap will be fastened over the instep of the footgear in such a manner that the buckles face the outside of the foot. 
b.  Boots: The spurs will be affixed to the footgear so that the U shaped portion follows the seam of the ankle support.   The strap will be fastened over the instep of the footgear in such a manner that the buckles face the outside of the boot.
c.  Single soldiers will wear the rowels of their spurs pointing up, while married soldiers will do so with their rowels pointing down. 

3.  Occasions for wear:   Spurs ans Stetsons will be worn at all cavalry functions, otherwise, the will not be worn outside of the cavalry footprint.  Stetsons and Spurs may be authorized by the local command, but are not authorized for wear at Army functions not specifically dedicated to cavalry.  Wear with civilian attire may be restricted by a local commander, but otherwise the Spurs and Stetson may be mixed with civilian attire when rank has been removed.


While the regulations governing the order of the spur are set by each cavalry commander (and so do not appear in the Army Regulations governing wear and appearance of uniforms and insignia), the practice falls under what the Army officially recognizes as a tradition.  The following is fromField Manual 7-21.13 (The Soldier's Guide, dated 15 OCT 2003):


4-25.  Tradition is a customary pattern of thought, action, or behavior held by an identifiable group of people.  It is information, beliefs, and customs handed down by word of mouth or by example from one generation to another without written instruction.  Our military traditions are really the "Army Way" of doing and thinking.  An interesting thing about traditions is that many of our Army traditions started out as something quite different from what they are now.

4-26.  Military tradition is an interesting  and often amusing subject.  It gives a Soldier a feeling of pride to understand just why we do things the way we do.  Traditions are expressed in the things we do, the uniform we wear, and the things we say.  Many of the words we use in the Army are unique and having been added to our vocabulary from different parts of the world and at different times in history.

4-27.  Army traditions are the things that everyone in the Army does, everywhere.  Unit traditions are the unique things that you do in your unit that other units may or may not do.  Some unit traditions are---

          Ceremonial duties.  Soldiers of the Old Gaurd, the 3rd U.S. Infantry, have been Sentinals of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier since 1948.

          The Green Berets of the Army's Special Forces.

          Airborne units' maroon beret.

Cavalry units' Spurs and Hats

Special designations (authorized unit nicknames) such as Cottenballers, the 7th Infantry Regiment.

          Distinctive items of clothing worn in your unit such as headgear, belt buckles, and tankers' boots

          The promotion party.

          Unit mottos such as "Victory!" or "Send Me!"

          "Hooah!"  This informal but always understood sound is less a word than an audible affirmation of the warrior ethos.  The Soldier that utters that sound understands his task and will not knowquit until it is completed.  That sound means Soldiers are ready and willing to accomplish the mission at hand.

          "Hooah!"  This was originally an acronym, H.U.A. standing for heard, understood, acknowledged, and was used by Troopers to let their NCO's know that whatever message the NCO put out was heard, they understood what the mission was, and would carry out the mission.


 Remembrance Profiles -  24 Soldiers Remembered

Army NCO Professional Development Ribbon - 1996

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Army NCO Professional Development Ribbon

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Last Updated:
Jan 7, 2009
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