Photo Album of Gettman, Henry, SGM
193 - 204 of 253 images
of 22
193 -204 of 253 images
of 22

National Rifle Association 1931, 1932, 1933, 1935
195 of 253
from  1930-1937, 161st Infantry  album
National Guard, National Match. A.E.F. Roumanian Challenge Cup 1933; Wright Memorial, Grand Aggregate Match 1935; Camp Perry Instructor's Match, Washington 1933; Camp Perry Instructor's Match, 9th Corps Area 1933; A.E.F. Roumanian Challenge Cup 1932; Member's Rifle Match, Washington 1933; The Navy Individual Rifle Match, Washington 1933; Expert With The Rifle Badge 1931; Expert With The Pistol Badge, 1931.
posted By Gettman, Henry, SGM
Aug 16, 2008

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