Pectol, Mike, SP 4

Military Intelligence
 TWS Ribbon Bar
Life Member
 Photo In Uniform   Service Details
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Service Status
USA Veteran
Final Rank
Specialist 4
Last Service Branch
Signal Corps
Last MOS
05C10-Radio Teletype Operator
Last MOS Group
Military Intelligence
Primary Unit
1974-1975, 05C10, HHB, 1st Battalion, 27th Field Artillery
Service Years
1966 - 1975
Official/Unofficial US Army Certificates
Cold War Certificate
Voice Edition
Signal Corps
Specialist 4
Three Service Stripes
Two Overseas Service Bars

 Official Badges 

25th Infantry Division 4th Infantry Division

 Unofficial Badges 

Signal Shoulder Cord Cold War Medal Cold War Veteran Vietnam Veteran 50th Commemoration

Vietnam 50th Anniversary

 Military Associations and Other Affiliations
Chapter 177th Field Artillery Association
  2001, Disabled American Veterans (DAV), Chapter 1 (Phoenix, Arizona) - Chap. Page
  2010, 77th Field Artillery Association

 Additional Information
What are you doing now:

My last job was working with VA, and a VA contractor. Helping disabled Veterans with school, counselling, purchasing quality of life materials, helping with resumes, obtaining employment, and a whole range of connected issues. I LOVED IT.  
It  broke my heart since I had FINALLY found my post service calling, only to lose it when they had to give up the contract and my job went with it. But it was 3 great years. 

Since then, I have lived on first my 50% service disability, PTSD and then at 62 Social Security jumped in to help out. I retired. 
Also, since '97. I have run a website, (early social networking) for the Vietnam Veterans of my Combat Alma Maters, 6th and 2nd Battalions, 77th Field Artillery, 4th and 25th Infantry Divisions. ALWAYS BEHIND, But we have had some very gratifying successes. We've had some re-connects with combat buddies, and hooked some of the relatives of some of our KIAs up with troopers who knew their loved ones, and could help them achieve at LEAST a Modicum of closure. Plus, together, we are still keeping alive the Vietnam part of the history of a fine Field Artillery Battalion alive. 
In '09 I wrote a book about my and some of my "Non Essential Personnel" cohorts, fellow troopers, whose jobs can not be done during actual close combat, so while under attack, we reverted to what the Army trained us to be FIRST ----- what we were fresh out of basic ---- and were told we would always be -----"Rifleman First"
It did really well, sold about 50 whole copies, LOL~!!!! The the biggest part of it doing well was a perfect way to talk out my Vietnam Story, and "Get it off my chest" as they say in the movies. 


 Remembrance Profiles -  1 Soldier Remembered

   1973-1974, 05C10, 258th Engineer Company, 253rd Engineer Battalion

From Month/Year
December / 1973
To Month/Year
June / 1974
258th Engineer Company Unit Page
05C10-Radio Teletype Operator
Base, Fort or City
Phoenix, AZ
United States
 258th Engineer Company, 253rd Engineer Battalion Details

258th Engineer Company, 253rd Engineer Battalion
Parent Unit
253rd Engineer Battalion
Created/Owned By
Not Specified

Last Updated: Mar 30, 2020
Memories For This Unit

Best Friends
Actually, a really BAD time to get out of the Army. I SHOULD have stayed in, and did have to go back in in '74, Cuz with the economy bad like it was I had the dilemma of How to support my fambly. Especially since I since April had a BRAND NEW LOVE OF MY LIFE -- MY BEAUTIFUL DAUGHTER. But in spite of that I was on good terms with the company commander, And the SMAJ, also was a great guy. They both treated me with the same respect I held for them, and the SMAJ helped me get a job, unfortunately it was too later for me to have time to dig myself out of the hole we sunk into in those 6 months.

Best Moment
Actually, ALL of them. I had a lot of fun with those guys. Soldier Fun. We went on our 2 week thing, and as the Company Commander's driver/Radio Chief, we tooled around a lot, and when we found out where the "Aggressor Force" was and where they were headed, The C.O. Said "Whadda ya Think" I said something to the tune of:
"Lets ambush these Turkeys (Actually, we called them A******S) and grease them" (As in Enemy Troops)
So, he and I and his RTO Played with the map for a while, and we fingered the goodest Place, designed the ambush force, down to what weapons they need, etc. and even what order to set them off, and a long story short, we WAXED them. And we got pretty good marks. Not to mention the barbecue fun at our Bivoucac area/Lager area. We had a GREAT time whuppin Bazuski!


Worst Moment
In June '74, when because of the generally negative attitude of the populace, and congress, and the bad Economy forcing cuts - When I needed the Army to stand by me, they DID NOT. They screwed me out of getting my previous rank,
Actually, it was Not the Army but the Armed Services Commitee, who forced the budget constraints on DOD, and DOA, so the HAD to force a deal with me. and probly other re-enliste/prior service Troopers.

This was the deal:
Recruiter: "You have been out of the Active Army for more than 6 months, and you have dependents. So, the only way we can let you in is if you Sign a waiver and agree to re-enter service as a SP/4
Recruiter: We kinow that, but with current budget restraints, etc. THAT is why we need you to sign the waiver of the exit/re--entry date, plus stuff about a NEW dependent. You have to take it or leave it.
Me: The M****R F*****S--- Okay, give me the pen.

Other Memories
Desert fun

My Photos For This Unit
No Available Photos
2 Members Also There at Same Time
258th Engineer Company

Brown, Russell, SGT, (1972-1996) TC 64C10 Private (E-2)
Gautier, Paul, SP 4, (1972-1974) SC Specialist 4

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