Photo Album of Wilson, Dale, MAJ
49 - 60 of 124 images
of 11
49 -60 of 124 images
of 11

"On rappel!"
49 of 124
from  1973-1973, 11B30, D Troop, 2nd Squadron, 1st Cavalry  album
These photos are of me doing seat rappelling from 120 feet up in a UH-1H Huey and off 150-foot-high cliffs at Ft. Hood's Belton Lake. Note the Vietnam-style jungle fatigues. D Troop's Aerorifle Platoon was an elite unit in the 2d Armored Div. and we wore jungle fatigues and bush hats as our duty uniform. Each member of the platoon was personally interviewed by the troop CO and the squadron CSM before being accepted by the unit.
posted By Wilson, Dale, MAJ
Jan 19, 2011

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