Photo Album of Wilson, Dale, MAJ
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1 -12 of 124 images
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High-Water Mark of the Confederacy
6 of 124
from  1988-1990, 12B, History Department, United States Military Academy West Point (Staff-USMA)  album
In the first photo, I am answering questions of cadets in HI-351 who have just crossed the same ground covered by MG William Pickett's men on July 3, 1863. CPT Jim Embrey (second photo) then describes the fighting that took place on the ground where the cadets are sitting. In the last photo, MAJ Tom Veleker responds to questions after I (lying at the foot of the cannon) portrayed BG Lew Armistead's tragic death.
posted By Wilson, Dale, MAJ
Jan 28, 2011

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