Photo Album of Wilson, Dale, MAJ
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97 -108 of 124 images
of 11

FSB Hill 4-11 Perimeter Bunker
108 of 124
from  1970-1970, 11B10, C Company, 3rd Battalion, 1st Infantry  album
This concrete-and-sand-bag bunker is typical of the fighting positions ringing the fire base. In front of the fighting position is chain-link fence held up with engineer stakes. It was used to detonate rocket-propelled grenades before they hit the bunker. In front of the bunker line was triple-strand concertina razor wire with 55-gal. drums of jellied gasoline called "fougasse." We also placed Claymore antipersonnel mines that could be command-detonated from the bunker. Finally, the defense included a couple of dual-40mm M42 "Dusters" that have one heck of a wallop! I sure wouldn't want to attack a position employing them. . . .
posted By Wilson, Dale, MAJ
Dec 22, 2010

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