Photo Album of Wilson, Dale E.., MAJ
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25 -36 of 132 images
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Pickett's Charge
36 of 132
from  1988-1990, 12B, History Department, United States Military Academy West Point (Staff-USMA)  album
These three photos were taken on the ground covered by Maj. Gen. William Pickett's ill-fated assault at Gettysburg. The occasion was a staff ride for cadets enrolled in HI-351, the honors sections of the first half of the two-semester course of instruction on military history required of all USMA cadets. Cadets spread out on line in the first photo, prior to making the mile-long trek across what on July 3, 1863, had been well-cultivated cornfields. They are passing the midway point in the assault in the second photo. In the last photo, CPT Jim Embrey orders the cadets to advance at the double-quick as they draw to within about 200 yards of where the Union line was on that fateful day.
posted By Wilson, Dale E.., MAJ
Jan 28, 2011

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