Tompkins, Leland E, SFC

 TWS Ribbon Bar
Life Member
 Photo In Uniform   Service Details
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Service Status
USA Retired
Final Rank
Sergeant First Class
Last Service Branch
Last MOS
Last MOS Group
Primary Unit
1984-1985, 11B40, HHC, 1st Battalion, 17th Infantry
Previously Held MOS's
11C10-Indirect Fire Infantryman
84G10-Photographic Laboratory Specialist
84B10-Still Photographic Specialist
11C30-Indirect Fire Infantryman
Service Years
1968 - 1988
Official/Unofficial US Army Certificates
Operation Enduring Freedom
Cold War Certificate
Voice Edition
Honor Guard
Sergeant First Class
Six Service Stripes
Two Overseas Service Bars

 Official Badges 

101st Airborne Division Drill Sergeant Badge Infantry Shoulder Cord US Army Retired (Pre-2007)

Drill Sergeant Campaign Hat (Male) Army Honorable Discharge (1984-Present)

 Unofficial Badges 

Recon Cold War Medal Honorable Order of Saint Barbara Cold War Veteran

Gold Star Vietnam 50th Anniversary Gold Star Lapel Pin

 Military Associations and Other Affiliations
101st Airborne Division Vietnam Veterans Chapter 56Chapter 751
  1972, Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), Department of Oklahoma (National President) (Oklahoma) - Chap. Page
  1973, 1st Cavalry Division Association
  1988, 101st Airborne Division Vietnam Veterans
  2000, Disabled American Veterans (DAV), Chapter 56 (Executive Director) (Lawton, Oklahoma) - Chap. Page
  2000, Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA), Chapter 751 (Member) (Lawton, Oklahoma) - Chap. Page

 Additional Information
What are you doing now:

Retired effective 1 Feb 2014. Plan to travel,fish,work around the house and visit my grand kids. 2017 still fish and work in my yard . Had to stop travelling on our trike and just sold it . Haven't seen my grand kids in Colorado for three years . Bad feet and knees on many meds , old age sucks !
August 2019 I had a stroke and lost the use of my whole right side and speech . I have come back to getting around without a cane and can talk fairly good . I can drive and do most things only slowly . I am still getting better and feel half normal  . 

Other Comments:

  Retired from Oklahoma Teachers Retirement system 1 Feb 2014. Drawing Social Security,Retired from Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company in 2006 and retired from the Army in 1988. My hobbies are  my yard now getting my main attention. Really enjoy going to bed and getting up whenever I feel like ! I still do some bass fishing once in awhile . Still do a few local Bass Tournaments .


 Remembrance Profiles -  3 Soldiers Remembered
  • Pinkstaff, Martin, SP 5
  • Sorreson, Wayne, SP 5

   1972-1973, 11B30, 3rd Training Brigade (Cadre) Fort Ord, CA, US Army Training Center (Cadre) Fort Ord, CA

Staff Sergeant
From Month/Year
March / 1972
To Month/Year
January / 1973
3rd Training Brigade (Cadre) Fort Ord, CA Unit Page
Staff Sergeant
Base, Fort or City
Ft Ord
 3rd Training Brigade (Cadre) Fort Ord, CA, US Army Training Center (Cadre) Fort Ord, CA Details

3rd Training Brigade (Cadre) Fort Ord, CA, US Army Training Center (Cadre) Fort Ord, CA
Parent Unit
US Army Training Center (Cadre) Fort Ord, CA
Created/Owned By
Not Specified

Last Updated: Jan 28, 2021
Memories For This Unit

Best Friends
It was one of the first classes of DA assigned NCO's and we had a hell of a time ! They failed an E-5 that had come over from the Air Force , never took Army BCT or much of anything . He busted his ass and had voluteered for this . The poor guy worked much harder than any of us and we all worked with him as much as we could . Came time to get our Hats and we decided none of us would accept if that E-5 didn't graduate with us ! LMAO , that SMG Commandant had a cow and called all of us names and yelled only to give in as we all stuck together ! He knew a bunch of Vietnam vets E-6 & E-7 refusing wouldn't look good for him , and we were all willing to do it !

Best Moment
We had our ups and downs with the two DS Tacs and they tried to screw with us in ways and it never worked as they pissed us off and we would let them know being alone with us would happen sometime . We had lots of fun as most of us were hell raisers and stubburn combat vets , plus some of us weren't to happy about this assignment at that point . A great bunch of NCO's in my opinion .


Worst Moment
Now , it won't let me enter the years that I served in that unit ! March 1975 to January 1976 was the correct dates .

Chain of Command
Cpt Jones had been a SFC when on the SonTy raid in North Vietnam . Great guy ! SFC Prince was SDS and a really calm guy ! 1st Sgt Hewitt had been a squad leader during the battle in the IaDrang Valley in the 1st Cav . Fire and ice depending on what was going on . Great man that taught me much and supported all of the DS's . He had our backs ! Some great NCO's too work with . It was totally different at Fort Sill . I got moved often because of Officer's not liking the way that I did things mostly . Worked with some good NCO's and some so so one's there . Lucky the battalion commander had my back when one company commander wanted me Article Fifteen or worse . Bn Co did not agree and moved me with no action taken .


Other Memories
Kind of a strange time. Lots of things were alright and other things not. All in all I got to like it. Kind of hated to leave when I had too. Of course I was still a DS when at Ft Sill . I didn't stay in the same unit for my time there . Was in BCT then Pershing AIT then Special Training Battery and finally back to BCT again . I had asked for third year so no one to blame !

My Photos For This Unit
DS at Ft Ord,CA
Graduation Day
Drill Sgt Tompkins C-6-3 Ft Ord
C-6-3 Ft Ord 1975 to 1976
36 Members Also There at Same Time
3rd Training Brigade (Cadre) Fort Ord, CA

Retzer, Bob, CW4, (1967-1994) AG 71L20 Specialist 5
Murphy, Steve, SP 4, (1973-1979) Private (E-1)
1st Battalion, 2nd Training Brigade (Cadre) Fort Ord, CA

Harrell, Howard, SFC, (1966-1986) IN 00F Staff Sergeant
Barnell, Ken, 1SG, (1967-1988) QM 76W10 Specialist 4
Van Allen, Chuck, SP 4, (1972-1974) AG 71H20 Private (E-2)
Van Train, Ken, PV1, (1972-1976) IN Private (E-1)
1st Training Brigade (Cadre) Fort Ord, CA

Cosby, Joe, SFC, (1950-1972) IN 11B10 Sergeant First Class
Whitmore, Gibbs, SP 4, (1971-1974) IN 11C20 Specialist 4
Maxwell, Robert, CPT, (1969-1990) MI 9668 Captain
Caracciolo, Thomas, 1LT, (1970-1972) IN 71542 First Lieutenant
Garcia, Kenneth, SGM, (1968-1995) IM 00F Sergeant
Nelson, Robert, SGT, (1968-1974) TC 64C10 Sergeant
Cohen, Steve, PFC, (1969-1975) QM 94B10 Private First Class
2nd Battalion, 2nd Training Brigade (Cadre) Fort Ord, CA

Strother, Gordon, PV2, (1971-1972) EN 00B10 Private (E-2)
Lindemuth, Don, PFC, (1972-1974) TC Private First Class
2nd Battalion, 4th Training Brigade (Cadre) Fort Ord, CA

Crowder, Glenn, SSG, (1963-1974) IN 00F Staff Sergeant
Garcia, Kenneth, SGM, (1968-1995) IM 00F Staff Sergeant
Furrey, John, SP 5, (1970-1976) EN 62E10 Specialist 5
Foreman, Charlie, SFC, (1971-1993) AG 71B10 Private First Class
2nd Training Brigade (Cadre) Fort Ord, CA

Dela Cruz, Helmer, SGT, (1971-1977) IN Sergeant
3rd Battalion, 1st Training Brigade (Cadre) Fort Ord, CA

Smith, Carl, SP 5, (1973-1976) MI 05C10 Private (E-1)
3rd Battalion, 2nd Training Brigade (Cadre) Fort Ord, CA

Stamm, David, CW4, (1973-1997) SC Private (E-2)
B Company

Van Allen, Chuck, SP 4, (1972-1974) AG 71H20 Specialist 4
C Company

Logan, Jerry, SSG, (1967-1973) TC 64B10 Staff Sergeant
D Company

Mellinger, Jeff, CSM, (1972-2011) Private (E-1)

Shaver, Clifford, 1SG, (1957-1977) IN 11B40 Sergeant First Class
Thurston, Leslie, SP 5, (1969-1972) AG 71E Specialist 5
US Army Training Center (Cadre) Fort Ord, CA

Parsons, Ronald, MSG, (1971-1990) IN 11B30 Sergeant
Brandon, Raymond, SFC, (1970-1979) IN 11B40 Staff Sergeant
Pike, Steven, 1SG, (1971-1991) IN 11B20 Sergeant
Rosenlund, Marshall, SGT, (1969-1972) IN 11C40 Sergeant
Jefferson, Albert, SFC, (1973-1993) IN 11B40 Private (E-1)
Moxley, Gary, SP 4, (1972-1974) QM 76A10 Specialist 4
Cooper, Dana, SP 5, (1966-1972) IN Specialist 5
Harrell, Stuart, CPT, (1968-1972) CH Captain
Skinner, Robert, SP 4, (1972-1976) AG Specialist 4
Christison, Ted, PV2, (1972-1973) TC Private (E-2)
Wood, Gus, PV2, (1973-1975) TC Private (E-2)

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