Photo Album of Westwick, Charles, SP 4
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Special Op at Rhine River
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from  1956-1958, 951.10, 508th Military Police Battalion  album
Delta Co., 508th MPs often held special operations in Germany & France. C.O. Capt. Schneider is shown next to his MP sedan while next to the Rhine River in West Germany across the river from France.
posted By Westwick, Charles, SP 4
Oct 12, 2017
Westwick, Charles, SP 4 (Oct 15, 2022)
PARADOX: Captain Schneider was raised in Garmisch, Germany. He was an officer in the German army during WW2. At war's end, the OSS agreed that he had covertly assisted the Allies while he was in the German service. He was allowed to join the U.S. Army at his old rank. He became the C.O. in the 508th MP Battalion in the town of his birth - Garmisch. He was a well-liked C.O. by all of his men.

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