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Service Status
USA Retired
Final Rank
Chief Warrant Officer 3
Last Service Branch
Last MOS
150U-Tactical Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Operations Technician
Last MOS Group
Primary Unit
2014-2015, 150U, 3rd Infantry Division
Previously Held MOS's
13B10-Cannon Crewmember
13B20-Cannon Crewmember
67U20-CH-47 Helicopter Repairer
67T20-UH-60 Helicopter Repairman
15U10-CH-47 Helicopter Repairer
15T30-UH-60 Helicopter Repairer
15U40-CH-47 Helicopter Repairer
Service Years
1992 - 2015
Other Languages
Official/Unofficial US Army Certificates
Operation Iraqi Freedom
Operation Enduring Freedom
Order of Saint Michael
Chief Warrant Officer 3
Eight Service Stripes
Twelve Overseas Service Bars

 Official Badges 

Army Recruiter (Gold) - 3 Sapphires Army Physical Fitness Badge French Fourragere

 Unofficial Badges 

Order of Saint Michael (Bronze)

 Military Associations and Other Affiliations
US Army Warrant Officers AssociationMilitary Officers Association of America (MOAA)Post 10210, Sebastian River Area PostPost 189
  2006, US Army Warrant Officers Association - Assoc. Page
  2008, Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) - Assoc. Page
  2016, Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), Post 10210, Sebastian River Area Post (Member) (Sebastian, Florida) - Chap. Page
  2016, American Legion, Post 189 (Life Member) (Sebastian, Florida) - Chap. Page

 Remembrance Profiles -  10 Soldiers Remembered
  • Flores, Jonathon, SGT, (2021-Present)
  • Gomez, Jasmin, SPC, (1990-1992)
  • Pinero, Ruben, SSG, (2011-Present)
  • Torres, Luis, SSG, (2000-2022)
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   2014-2015, 150U, 3rd Infantry Division

Chief Warrant Officer 3
From Month/Year
March / 2014
To Month/Year
May / 2015
3rd Infantry Division Unit Page
Chief Warrant Officer 3
150U-Tactical Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Operations Technician

Secondary MOS
153D-UH-60 Pilot
Base, Fort or City
Fort Benning
United States
 3rd Infantry Division Details

3rd Infantry Division
The 3rd Infantry Division is a combined arms division of the United States Army at Fort StewartGeorgia. It is a direct subordinate unit of the XVIII Airborne Corps and U.S. Army Forces Command. Its current organization includes a division headquarters and headquarters battalion, two armored brigade combat teams, one National Guard infantry brigade combat team, a task force unit, one aviation brigade, a division artillery, a sustainment brigade and a combat sustainment support battalion along with a maneuver enhancement brigade. The division has a distinguished history, having seen active service in World War IWorld War II, the Korean WarVietnam War, and the Global War on Terror. The Medal of Honor has been awarded to 56 members of the 3rd Infantry Division, making the division the most honored in the Army.
The division fought in France in World War I. In World War II, it landed with Gen. Patton's task force in a contested amphibious landing on the coast of Morocco, North Africa, overwhelming Vichy French defenders in November 1942. In 1943, the division invaded Sicily in July, and invaded Italy at Salerno in September, before fighting in France and finally Germany. Medal of honor recipient  Audie Murphy, featured in the Hollywood movie, "To Hell and Back," was a member. The division also served in the Korean War. From 1957 until 1996, the division was a major part of the United States Army's presence in the NATO alliance in West Germany.

"The Rock of the Marne" (Special Designation), Rock of the Marne


Motto(s);     Nous Resterons Là(We Shall Remain There)


Commander: Joseph Theodore Dickman (October 6, 1857 - October 23, 1927) was a United States Army officer who saw service in five wars, rising to the rank of major general.Dickman was given command of the 3rd Infantry Division in November 1917, at the onset of the United States' entrance into World War I. He deployed the 3rd Division to France aboard the Leviathan at noon, on March 4, 1918. He was the 3rd Division commander at Chateau-Thierry in May 1918 and was made famous at the Second Battle of the Marne in July 1918. While allied forces on both flanks retreated, the 3rd Division stood fast in the face of enemy offensives, which led to their moniker, "The Rock of the Marne."


Joseph T. Dickman
111-SC-21398 - NARA - 55202496-cropped.jpg


Commander: Robert Lee Howze (August 22, 1864 - September 19, 1926) was a United States Army major general who was a recipient of the Medal of Honor for his actions during the Indian Wars.
During World War I Howze was promoted to major general and placed in command of the 38th Infantry Division, which fought in the Meuse-Argonne Offensive in October 1918. He served as commander of the 3rd Division during their march on the Rhine River, and commanded the Third Army of Occupation in Germany in 1919. He was awarded the Army Distinguished Service Medal, the French Croix de Guerre, and French Legion of Honor for his service in command of the Third Army.

Howze's last assignment was to preside over the court-martial of Colonel Billy Mitchell, who had made public comments in response to the Navy dirigible USS Shenandoah crashing in a storm
The crash killed 14 of the crew and Mitchell issued a statement accusing senior leaders in the Army and Navy of incompetence and "almost treasonable administration of the national defense." In November 1925 he was court-martialed at the direct order of President Calvin Coolidge




Robert Lee Howze
Robert Lee Howze.jpg


Commander; General Lucian King Truscott Jr. (January 9, 1895 - September 12, 1965) was a highly decorated senior United States Army officer, who saw distinguished active service during World War II. Between 1943-45, he successively commanded the 3rd Infantry DivisionVI CorpsFifteenth Army and Fifth Army. He and Alexander Patch were the only U.S. Army officers to command a division, a corps, and a field army in combat during the war.
In 1942, Truscott, now a colonel, was instrumental in developing an American commando unit patterned after the British Commandos. The American unit was activated by Truscott (newly promoted to the rank of brigadier general on June 19, 1942) as the 1st Ranger Battalion, and placed under the command of Major William Orlando Darby.




Truscott as a captain .


World War 1 :

MOH Recipient : PFC John Lewis Barkley (August 28, 1895 - April 14, 1966) U.S. Army, Company K, 4th Infantry, 3rd Division. 
Private First Class Barkley, who was stationed in an observation post half a kilometer from the German line, on his own initiative repaired a captured enemy machinegun and mounted it in a disabled French tank near his post. Shortly afterward, when the enemy launched a counterattack against our forces, Private First Class Barkley got into the tank, waited under the hostile barrage until the enemy line was abreast of him and then opened fire, completely breaking up the counterattack and killing and wounding a large number of the enemy. Five minutes later an enemy 77-millimeter gun opened fire on the tank pointblank. One shell struck the drive wheel of the tank, but this soldier nevertheless remained in the tank and after the barrage ceased broke up a second enemy counterattack, thereby enabling our forces to gain and hold Hill 25.


John Lewis Barkley
John L. Barkley - WWI Medal of Honor recipient.jpg



MOH Recipient: LT General George Price Hays (September 27, 1892 - August 7, 1978) was a United States Army general who served during World War1and World War11. He earned the Medal of Honor as a young artillery officer during the Second Battle of the Marne in World War I. During World War II, he commanded the 10th Mountain Division in the last few months of the Italian Campaign.
He was commissioned a second lieutenant in 1917, and by July 14, 1918, was a first lieutenant serving in France With  the 10th Field Artillery Regiment3rd Division. On that day, during the Second Battle of the Marne near Greves Farm, his unit came under a heavy German artillery barrage and the communication lines were destroyed. Despite the intense fire, Hays rode on horseback between his unit, the command post, and two French batteries for the rest of that day and the next. Although he was severely wounded and had seven horses shot out from under him, his efforts contributed to the halt of the German advance. For these actions, he was awarded the Medal of Honor the next year, in 1919.


George Price Hays
George Price Hays.jpg


World War II:

MOH Recipient: PVT 
Herbert F. Christian (June 18, 1912 - June 3, 1944) For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at risk of life above and beyond the call of duty. On 2-3 June 1944, at 1 a.m., Pvt. Christian elected to sacrifice his life in order that his comrades might extricate themselves from an ambush. Braving massed fire of about 60 riflemen, 3 machineguns, and 3 tanks from positions only 30 yards distant, he stood erect and signaled to the patrol to withdraw. The whole area was brightly illuminated by enemy flares. Although his right leg was severed above the knee by cannon fire, Pvt. Christian advanced on his left knee and the bloody stump of his right thigh, firing his submachine gun. Despite excruciating pain, Pvt. Christian continued on his self-assigned mission. He succeeded in distracting the enemy and enabled his 12 comrades to escape. He killed 3 enemy soldiers almost at once. Leaving a trail of blood behind him, he made his way forward 20 yards, halted at a point within 10 yards of the enemy, and despite intense fire killed a machine-pistol man. Reloading his weapon, he fired directly into the enemy position. The enemy appeared enraged at the success of his ruse, concentrated 20-mm. machinegun, machine-pistol and rifle fire on him, yet he refused to seek cover. Maintaining his erect position, Pvt. Christian fired his weapon to the very last. Just as he emptied his submachinegun, the enemy bullets found their mark and Pvt. Christian slumped forward dead. The courage and spirit of self-sacrifice displayed by this soldier were an inspiration to his comrades and are in keeping with the highest traditions of the armed forces.


Herbert F. Christian
Herbert F. Christian in uniform.jpg


MOH Recipient: Tech. 5th Grade Eric Gunnar Gibson (October 3, 1919 - January 28, 1944) For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at risk of life above and beyond the call of duty. On January 28, 1944, near Isolabella, Italy, Tech. 5th Grade Gibson, company cook, led a squad of replacements through their initial baptism of fire, destroyed four enemy positions, killed 5 and captured 2 German soldiers, and secured the left flank of his company during an attack on a strongpoint. Placing himself 50 yards in front of his new men, Gibson advanced down the wide stream ditch known as the Fosso Femminamorta, keeping pace with the advance of his company. An enemy soldier allowed Tech. 5th Grade Gibson to come within 20 yards of his concealed position and then opened fire on him with a machine pistol. Despite the stream of automatic fire which barely missed him, Gibson charged the position, firing his submachine gun every few steps. Reaching the position, Gibson fired pointblank at his opponent, killing him. An artillery concentration fell in and around the ditch; the concussion from one shell knocked him flat. As he got to his feet Gibson was fired on by two soldiers armed with a machine pistol and a rifle from a position only 75 yards distant. Gibson immediately raced toward the foe. Halfway to the position a machinegun opened fire on him. Bullets came within inches of his body, yet Gibson never paused in his forward movement. He killed one and captured the other soldier. Shortly after, when he was fired upon by a heavy machinegun 200 yards down the ditch, Gibson crawled back to his squad and ordered it to lay down a base of fire while he flanked the emplacement. Despite all warning, Gibson crawled 125 yards through an artillery concentration and the cross fire of 2 machineguns which showered dirt over his body, threw 2 hand grenades into the emplacement and charged it with his submachine gun, killing 2 of the enemy and capturing a third. Before leading his men around a bend in the stream ditch, Gibson went forward alone to reconnoiter. Hearing an exchange of machine pistol and submachine gun fire, Gibson's squad went forward to find that its leader had run 35 yards toward an outpost, killed the machine pistol man, and had himself been killed while firing at the Germans.

Parent Unit
Infantry Divisions
Created/Owned By
Sanchez, Gilbert, Sr., PFC 14

Last Updated: May 12, 2024
My Photos For This Unit
No Available Photos
247 Members Also There at Same Time
3rd Infantry Division

Easterwood, Graham, CW2, (1998-2008) AV 153D Chief Warrant Officer 2
Murray, John, MG, (1982-Present) USA 00GC Major General
Hornbuckle, Harry, COL, (1996-2021) IN 11A Colonel
Hicks, Walter, LTC, (1996-Present) FA 13A Major
Logan, Bryan, MAJ, (1997-2008) AR 12B Major
Wahl, Garry, LTC, (1996-2017) IN 11A Major
Chastain, William, CPT, (2001-Present) AR 12C Captain
Inge, Joe, MAJ, (2002-2023) AR 19A Captain
McLaughlin, Daniel, CPT, (2009-Present) IN 11A Captain
Morgan, Colleen, CPT, (2005-Present) QM 92A Captain
Philio, Shannon, CPT, (1996-2008) CH 56A Captain
Ranado, Mike, CPT, (2001-Present) SC 25A Captain
Roe, Stuart, CPT, (2009-2016) IN 11A Captain
Stanfield, Leslie, MAJ, (2006-Present) MI 35D Captain
Storti, Joseph, CPT, (2005-2009) IN 11A Captain
Daniels, Zonie, 1LT, (2003-Present) AR 19B Second Lieutenant
Goodell, David, CPT, (1990-2016) SC 25A Second Lieutenant
Nesom, Andrew, 2LT, (2001-Present) AG 42B Second Lieutenant
Ferguson, Chris, CW4, (1985-2009) QM 920B Master Warrant Officer 4
Durbin, Galen, CW4, (1993-2016) AG 420A Chief Warrant Officer 4
Matthews, Steve, CW4, (1986-2017) TC 882A Chief Warrant Officer 4
Blanco, Eloy, CW2, (1992-Present) MI 350F Chief Warrant Officer 2
Hill, Michael, CW3, (2002-2022) FA 131A Chief Warrant Officer 2
Kabel, Thomas, CW3, (2000-2021) MI 353T Chief Warrant Officer 2
Scott, Jeffery, CW2, (1989-Present) TC 882A Chief Warrant Officer 2
Riley, Raphael, WO1, (2000-Present) AG 420A Warrant Officer 1
Rodriguez, Josuan, WO1, (2017-Present) SC 255N Warrant Officer 1
Vidal, Delio, SGM, (1988-2015) IN 00Z Sergeant Major
Braden, Thomas, 1SG, (1989-Present) SC 25U First Sergeant
Reveal, David, 1SG, (1984-2014) QM 92Y50 First Sergeant
Stewart, Wayne, 1SG, (1991-2021) OD 89D First Sergeant
Bundrant, Robert, MSG, (1989-Present) OD 91Z Master Sergeant
Garrett, Stephon, MSG, (1993-Present) AR 19Z50 Master Sergeant
Malicsi, Valentine, MSG, (1995-2015) OD 91Z Master Sergeant
Bozeman, Robert, SFC, (1988-Present) AR 19D20 Sergeant First Class
Dalton, Larita, SFC, (1997-Present) MD 68W Sergeant First Class
Daugherty, Scott, SFC, (1992-2016) OD 91M Sergeant First Class
Davidson, Paul, SFC, (1988-Present) CH 56M Sergeant First Class
Davis, Anthony, SFC, (1996-2016) AR 19D40 Sergeant First Class
Garcia, Ryan, SFC, (2000-2023) IN 11B40 Sergeant First Class
Gomez, Jose, SFC, (1992-2008) MP 31B10 Sergeant First Class
Holz, Christopher, SSG, (1986-Present) FA 13D10 Sergeant First Class
Loaknauth, David, SSG, (1998-2018) SC 25W Sergeant First Class
Looye, David, SFC, (1991-Present) MP 31B10 Sergeant First Class
Mayfield, Jason, SFC, (1995-2018) AR 19K40 Sergeant First Class
Picard, Joshua Adam, 1LT FA 13Z50 Sergeant First Class
Taylor, Keith, SFC, (1988-2016) IN 11B40 Sergeant First Class
Anglin, Ron, SFC, (1996-2016) SC 25E Sergeant First Class
Ahlheim, Jeffery, SSG, (2001-Present) SC 25C Staff Sergeant
Bailey, Chad, SSG, (2001-2008) MP 31B10 Staff Sergeant
Bourman, Benjamin, SSG, (1994-Present) FA 13B10 Staff Sergeant
Chu, Kekoa, SSG, (2005-2015) AR 19D30 Staff Sergeant
Cornell, David, SSG, (2001-2009) MI 33W10 Staff Sergeant
Craven, Matthew, SSG, (1986-2017) TC 88M30 Staff Sergeant
Dalrymple, George, SSG, (1997-2008) SC 25B10 Staff Sergeant
Donahue, Jeremy, SSG, (1997-Present) AR 19D20 Staff Sergeant
Ferguson, Spencer, SFC, (1993-Present) SC 25B10 Staff Sergeant
Fortner, John, SSG, (1998-2009) IN 11B10 Staff Sergeant
Franz, Michael, WO1, (2006-Present) AG 42R Staff Sergeant

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