Photo Album of Vining, Mike, SGM
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B Squadron
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from  1978-1983, 55D40, 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta (1st SFOD-D)  album
L to R, Top Row: Mel Wick, Eldon Bargewell, Frank McKenna, Don Feeney, unknown ,Jeff Huber, Marshall Brown, Amos Howard, Jerry Boykin. Third Row: Skip Flannagan, Guy Chapman, Fred Gandee, Unknown, Bruno Urbaniak, Chuck Collingwood, Steve Hoffman, Bill Zumwalt, Mike Vining. Second Row: Larry Freeman, Gary Gardiner, Chris Abel, Don Briere, Eric Haney, Tom Mushrim, Greg Mulligan, Paul Lawrence, Keith Purdue, Al Fidler, Roger George, Barry Hotle, John Giniff. Bottom Row: Rick Whitaker, Tom Woodyard,Havey Kerstetter, Larry Steele, Rod Rodriguez, Thunderburk, John Saterstad
posted By Vining, Mike, SGM
Apr 17, 2009

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