Army Company
Military Police
1943 - Present
The 58th Military Police Company provides professional law enforcement and force protection throughout USAG-HI while maintaining trained and ready Military Police Soldiers capable of deploying in support of JIIM operations throughout the USINDOPACOM AOR.
Mckinney, Brian, SGT , (2004-2008)
Mcmanus, Donovan, SFC , (2000-Present)
Mejia, Andres, SP 4 , (1997-2002)
MERRELL, TIM, MSG , (1988-2009)
Messier, Dale, 1SG , (1969-1996)
Michael, Clifton, SFC , (1980-2000)
Miller, John, SSG , (2005-Present)
Miller, Timothy, SGT , (2005-2008)
Monroe, Granville, SGT , (1984-1989)
Moots, Patrick, SGT , (1990-2008)
Mora, Carlos, SGT , (2000-2008)
Morales, Alex, CW2 , (1996-2008)
Morrison, Mike, SFC , (1992-2008)
Muensterman, Brandon, SPC , (1996-2001)
Mustafaa, Khalid, MSG , (1989-2008)
Myers, Mark, SSG , (2003-Present)
Neese, David, PFC , (1987-1990)
Nelson, Donald, MSG , (1995-2008)
Noll, Michael, SGT , (1986-1991)
Norman, James, SGT , (1994-2002)
Norris, Lonnie, SFC , (1992-2008)
Norris, Misty, MSG , (1992-2008)
Ochoa, Sergio, SGT , (1999-2005)
Olson, Kasey, SSG , (2000-Present)
Omara, Pat, SGT , (2005-2008)
Ontko, John, MAJ , (1991-2015)
Opliger, Harry, SP 4 , (1974-1977)
Orozco, Roberto, SFC , (2000-Present)
Owens, Albert, SGT , (2005-Present)
Pack, Joel, SSG , (1984-2006)
Parrish, Scott, SFC , (1997-Present)
Pashkow, Terri, SSG , (1996-Present)
Peck, Scott, CPL , (1993-1998)
Pegg, David, CPL , (1988-1996)
Perez, Agapito, SFC , (1997-2008)
Perry, Catherine, SP 4 , (2005-2008)
Perry, Cathy, SPC , (2005-2009)
Petrowski, Eugene, SSG , (1964-1970)
Petty, Angela, SSG , (1998-2015)
Phillips, Josh, SGT , (1997-2007)
Phillips, Josh, SGT , (1997-2007)
Platts, Alvona, PFC , (2001-2004)
Pointer, LaRonica, SGT , (1999-2010)
Pollard, Robin, SFC , (1997-Present)
Pool, Jonathan, SGT , (2000-Present)
If you served in this unit, reconnect with your service friends today! service friends today! 2 million members.
Oct 15, 1982
Inactivated 15 October 1982 at Fort Bragg, North Carolina