Reunion Information
Unit Details

Army Company
Military Police
1948 - 2004

Not Specified
Notable Persons
Reports To
Military Police Units
Active Reporting Unit
Inactive Reporting Unit
457 Members Who Served in This Unit


  • Thompson, Robert, SP 4, (1968-1971)
  • Thornburg, Joseph, CW3, (1975-1996)
  • Thorpe, Jay, SGM, (1989-2008)
  • Tibbetts, Ernie, SGT, (1981-1993)
  • Tobash, Walter, SSG, (2002-2008)
  • Trusty, James, SGM, (1961-1985)
  • Tucker, Scott, SPC, (1987-1989)
  • Turner, Douglas, SPC, (1986-1989)
  • Vaillancourt, Glen, SPC, (1984-1990)
  • Van Gundy, Jeremy, SGT, (2004-2008)
  • Vandevelde, Marty Vandevelde, SFC, (1982-2003)
  • VanHooser, Kevin, SP 4, (2004-2009)
  • VanSickle, Jennifer, SGT, (2000-2004)
  • Vaughn, Michael, 1SG, (1994-Present)
  • Verdi, Mac, SSG, (2002-2008)
  • Verdi, McKenzie, SSG, (2002-2008)
  • Vick, Jeremy, SGT, (2002-Present)
  • Vincent, Chris, CPT, (1994-Present)
  • Visnick, Kevan, SGM, (1983-2008)
  • Wald, Timothy, SPC, (1983-1991)
  • Walker, Joshua, SFC, (1995-2008)
  • Walker, Robert, SPC, (1981-1988)
  • Walker, Walter, SP 4, (1979-1982)
  • Wallace, D, CSM, (1981-2008)
  • Wallace, Jonathan, SPC, (2005-Present)
  • Walls, Mark, S/SGT, (2002-Present)
  • Ward, Frankie, SGT, (1979-1991)
  • Watson, Troy, SSG, (1992-2006)
  • Weatherford, Raymond, CPT, (1983-2005)
  • Welch, Kerry, SSG, (1981-1990)
  • Wenk, Bud, SFC, (1983-2004)
  • White, Carl, SP 4, (1969-1971)
  • Wildes, Kevin, SGT, (1983-1998)
  • Wilkinson, Charles G, SP 4, (1978-1981)
  • Williams, Alec, SP 4, (1970-1973)
  • Williams, Anthony, SGT, (1985-1997)
  • Williams, Darvin, SSG, (1980-1998)
  • Williams, Earl, SSG, (1973-1993)
  • Wilson, Charles D, SGT, (1976-1979)
  • Wilson, David, SSG, (1990-2003)
  • Wilson, Kim, SP 4, (1980-1983)
  • Wireman, David, SGM, (1981-2009)
  • Woodring, Richard, CSM, (1986-2021)
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Battle/Operations History Detail
This campaign was from 1 July to 1 November 1968. During this period a country-wide effort was begun to restore government control of territory lost to the enemy since the Tet offensive. The enemy attempted another such offensive on 17-18 August but his efforts were comparatively feeble and were quickly overwhelmed by Allied forces.

In the fall of 1968 the South Vietnamese government, with major U.S. support, launched an accelerated pacification campaign. All friendly forces were coordinated and brought to bear on the enemy in every tactical area of operation. In these intensified operations, friendly units first secured a target area, then Vietnamese government units, regional forces/popular forces, police and civil authorities screened the inhabitants, seeking members of the Viet Cong infrastructure. This technique was so successful against the political apparatus that it became the basis for subsequent friendly operations. Government influence expanded into areas of the countryside previously dominated by the Viet Cong to such an extent that two years later at least some measure of government control was evident in all but a few remote regions.
Vietnam, South
Vietnam War
Not Specified
Start Month
End Month
Start Year
End Year

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