Heidi and I, plus numerous friends from across the land, attended the 70th anniversary of the MP Corps' Hall of Fame induction ceremonies at Fort Leonard Wood. We had an awesome time with friends like Larry Wilson, whom I had been a Sgt E5 with over 40 years ago. Also there was former drill sergeant, Mark Nevins whom I've known since my time in Berlin in 1974. My former boss, Ed Delk and his lovely wife Sue were also there along with Mike Rauer and Mike Brandstetter and his wife Hae Yon. Carolyn Kidd and Carl Fowler represented the 287th MP Company and it was so nice to see Carolyn after 25 years. My daugher Becky also came with her intended Roger from Kansas, and Scott represented the Buckheits from Maryland. Jenny, my younger daughter remained in Maryland tending to her new baby Charlotte, plus 6 year old Ava Grace. My pal for life, Chris Walton showed from Colorado with dress blues and all the trimmings. It was so nice to see him in his uniform with silver oak leaves of an Army Lieutenant Colonel. The last time I seen him in person he was a Lieutenant. Thanks also go to my newest friend, Art Canham, my USAF pal who is 81 years young. He had a great time and has told me how impressed he was with all of my friends. Mary Jane Snyder also attended with her cousin Carolyn. It was refreshing to meet her and hope that we see her and Carolyn again. John Wolf, from the Jefferson County PD in Missouri showed representing the famous 716th MP Bn. It was so nice to see him again as well. I was completely overjoyed when Carl Fowler from the old 287th MP Company walked in. He is the current County Sheriff of Osage County, Mo. How wonderful and pleasant to know that so many did so well after Army life. And, I must mention my dearest friend, Barry Oakes, who did much to arrange things for me on the ground. Barry is a special person to Heidi and I and we think of him in terms as a close relative like a son. So, thanks to you all for being there during a special time in my life. The memories of you will be forever engrained in my heart, mind, body and soul...
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Rememberance Profile:Â MSG(R) Johnny W. McDuff, passed on 10 Jul 2009 in Louisanna of pancreatic cancer. He and I served together when we were drill sergeants at Fort McClellan, Alabama. He was a good drill sergeant whereas he served as the senior drill sergeant in my absence. We did a lot of good work together back then. I obtained the death information from his former wife, Jane Hurdle of Vivian, La. May he rest in peace.