Photo Album of Vining, Mike, SGM
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13 -24 of 44 images
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1st SFOD-D - Delta Colors
21 of 44
from  1986-1999, 11Z50, 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta (1st SFOD-D)  album
On 19 October 1995, I was award the Delta Colors, number 123, for singularly exemplary contributions to 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment - Delta. Through out his assignment, Sergeant Major Vining served with extraordinary skill, dedication, and distinction. As a long time operational member of the unit, SGM Vining's innovative approach practical ideas and improvements in unit capabilities were most noteworthy. His impeccable leadership was directly responsible for the effectiveness, high morale, and proficiency of his soldiers. He personified selfless service and commitment. His loyalty to the nation and the Army marks his service as one of lasting quality. SGM Vining's performance, coupled with his pride in the heritage and traditions of being a soldier, is in keeping with the highest traditions of Delta and the United States Army.Signed by COL Bernard J. McCabe, Jr., Commanding and CSM Richard L. Davis, Command Sergeant Major.
posted By Vining, Mike, SGM
Dec 1, 2015

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